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The afternoon dragged on, the encounter with Jungkook in the penthouse hanging heavy in Taehyung's mind. Just as he was building up the courage to seek solace in Yoongi's dry humor, Jungkook buzzed him on the intercom.

"Taehyung," Jungkook's voice drawled, "Get me, Lunch. Usual place."

Taehyung sighed. Usual place it was, then. He grabbed his coat and headed out, the image of the happy Jungkook in the photo flashing before his eyes.

Back at the office, Taehyung placed the brown paper bag containing Jungkook's lunch on his desk. "Anything else I can get you, Mr. Jeon?"

Before Jungkook could answer, the office door flew open, revealing a figure as striking as Jungkook himself. This newcomer, however, exuded a different kind of aura – an easy confidence that softened the edges of his handsome face. A playful smirk danced on his lips, and his eyes seemed to hold a hidden mischief.

Jungkook's face contorted into a mask of barely concealed fury. He shot up from his chair, his voice tight with suppressed anger. "What are you doing here?"

Taehyung, caught in the crossfire, wisely beat a hasty retreat. He scurried back to his own cabin, curiosity gnawing at him. Who was this unexpected visitor, and why did his arrival send such a jolt through Jungkook?

Just as he was about to dig into his own lunch, his office door creaked open. The newcomer, that handsome enigma, stood there, his smirk widening as his eyes met Taehyung's.

"Well, hello there," he drawled, his voice a smooth baritone. "You must be the new PA."

Taehyung, caught off guard by this unexpected visit, stammered to his feet. "Y-yes, that's me. Taehyung. How can I help you?"

The newcomer extended a hand, his smile turning charmingly lopsided. "Park Jimin, at your service," he said, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "CEO of PJM Enterprises, and heir to the Park Group."

Taehyung's jaw dropped. He'd heard whispers about the young prodigy leading the Park Group to new heights, but to see him standing here, in his own flesh, was surreal. This man, who looked barely out of his twenties, was a titan of the industry.

"It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Park," Taehyung managed, a sense of awe creeping into his voice. He couldn't help but wonder what such a high-powered figure was doing here, in Jungkook's office.

Jimin chuckled, a warm, musical sound. "The honor's all mine, Taehyung." He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a flirtatious purr. "And call me Jimin. After all, we might just become good friends."

Before Taehyung could decipher the meaning behind those words, Jimin winked, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, I shouldn't overstay my welcome. But hey," he continued, leaning down to press a light kiss on Taehyung's knuckles, "perhaps I'll see you around sometime."

With that, Jimin swept out of the cabin, leaving Taehyung a blushing, bewildered mess. Compared to the icy demeanor of Jungkook, Jimin was a breath of fresh air. Taehyung couldn't help but wonder if this unexpected encounter might just be the start of something interesting... perhaps even a distraction from the frosty reality of his current job.

Saturday arrived, a beacon of supposed freedom in most companies. Here at Jeon Enterprises, however, it was just another workday. Taehyung surveyed his sleek, aesthetically pleasing office cabin, a small comfort in the vast ocean of steel and glass that was Jungkook's domain. The only thing missing from this picture-perfect space, he thought with a sigh, was a decent boss.

His day began with the usual routine – a steaming cup of coffee for Jungkook, a rundown of his meticulously crafted schedule. He often wondered if Jungkook ever hit the pause button. The man seemed to live and breathe work, except for the occasional rendezvous with his girlfriend, Hana.

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