Eric's POV

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Eric poured himself a glass of juice and gulped it. He stared into space trying to wrap his heard around what he saw and heard.
*Freya?how can it be? Could that be her lookalike?Damn it. It can't be true* he thought.
He couldn't stop thinking about her even when he tried to. They were both never that close hence he couldn't really understand why he never forgot about her.
   " Eric?!"he heard his 20yrs old sister call.
"Yes."he jolted and turned to look at the entrance into the kitchen.He didn't see her standing there.
"Are you alright?"she asked refilling her water jug.
"Yes why?"he said and returned the remaining juice to the fridge.
"You look lost."she said not even looking at him.
"Am fine."he replied and left the kitchen for his room.
He took a slow shower and changed into his night pyjamas.
He laid flat on his back-on his bed as he stared up to the ceiling.
He turned on his phone and searched through his gallery app for her photo which he had with him. Luckily he found one.
"This is not a mistake.Am sure it's really the same person. What the heck is going on" he asked no one in particular.
"I think I should go back tomorrow. That's really what I need to do"he said and finally slept off.

        Eric went into the orphanage home and saw a lady moping the floor. She was putting on an apron and holding on to a bucket and mob so he wasn't able to identify if she was a reverend or a servant.
"Hello. Excuse me" he said, waving his hand a bit , trying to get her attention.
"Hello sir. Good morning "the lady greeted with a grin.
"Good morning. Um,can I... Am looking for someone. A Natalie. Natalie martin. She stays here."he said.
"Who? I don't think someone here bears that name" the lady said honestly.
"Really?"he inquired and the lady gave a nod.
"What of....Freya. yes Freya"he asked again, trying his luck. If the lady from yesterday called her Freya that means,it's the name she bears in the orphanage.
"Oh Freya.... Well she's....."the lady began but the reverend sister from yesterday interrupted gently.
"Why don't you go back to work"she said to the lady who went back to what she was doing before turning to speak with Eric " Good morning,Mr lamberet"
"Good morning, sister. How are you doing?" He asked with a small smile.
"Am okay,just old age you know. I overheard you say you are looking for Freya?"she queried.
"Yes. Do I um...have to explain why?" He asked unsure.
"Of course not. But too bad,she isn't in the orphanage now. She went out earlier. I'm sorry."she said.
"Do you know when she might get back?"he asked expectantly.
"Sorry,I don't "sister rosemary replied.
"Alright, thank you. Anyways,how are the kids doing?"he asked.
"Tell me about it. They're doing okay. They're still very happy about yesterday "she said.
"That's a relief." He said.
"What about a drink. Tea?"sister rosemary asked this time.
"I would have loved to but am so busy,I have to get back now."he said apological-ly.
"Of course. Don't worry over it." She said.
"Okay. I'll be off now"he said and left.
"Oh lord please forgive me. It wasn't my intention to lie"sister rosemary said making the sign if the cross.
********THE SAME DAY
             Eric went back to his company as he still has a meeting with the strategy department by 11 A.M.
He took a glance at his wristwatch and saw that the display has 9:00A.M
on it..
He took a deep breath,glad that he still has an hour or two before the meeting.
He hummed a greeting when his secretary greeted him and went in his office.
Thirty minutes later,he got an incoming call in his office phone. It was his secretary.He answered it
"Sir, your brother's on the phone. He.."
"Alright."Eric cut him off and nonchalantly replaced the receiver.
"What is it?"he asked with a grimace.
"Woah,take it easy little brother. I still have the right to call you anyway."James lamberet,his half eldest brother said.
"What is it you want?!"he repeated getting annoyed and busied himself by writing on a sheet of paper.
"Ruby's back from Russia and Mom wants you to go pick her up."James said.
Eric went still as he stared at the phone that was in his hand.
"Mom?"Eric asked with a frown.
"Yeah,mom!!"James yelled.
Eric sighed and asked.
"Where are you?"Eric asked.
"What sort of question is that? Am in my office. Don't tell .e you think I......." Eric interrupted him.
"Go get her yourself"he saidvand went back to writing.
"What?"James asked.
"I said... Go get her yourself,if that is so important to you. I'm busy"Eric said,so annoyed that the bastard calked him during work.
"HEY!! She's not my fiancee.Why should I get her. Don't you dare me,you idiot "James yelled through out his sentence but Eric put the phone off the hook.
He was never in good terms with his two half brothers,so he doesn't see the reason why he should listen to whatever nonsense they have to say.
He picked up his personal phone and left his office.
******IN THE NIGHT. 8:00PM
          Eric walked into the house, dragging on his tie,tiredly.
"Good evening sir"his personal butler greeted and collected his briefcase and tie.
"Are my brothers back?"he asked.
"Yes. They're in the pool right now"he replied and left for Eric's room.
Eric went to the kitchen to collect a drink but he saw Ruby and three other maids preparing dinner. He ignored them and went to the refrigerator.The maids and Ruby noticed his entrance when the buzzing of the opened fridge filled the kitchen.
"Oh, you're back."she said to Eric and went towards him.
"Good evening sir"the maids greeted and went back to what they were doing.
"How's my darling doing?"Ruby said, calling him'darling'as she always do but Eric didn't say a thing but gulped down his drink.
"Your brothers are outside. I think you should join them while I get the food."Ruby said, ignoring his silence.
"I don't want to"he said and turned to leave the kitchen.
"Stop pestering Ruby Klein. Am not in the mood for any conversation right now."he said and left for his room as Ruby stared at him leave.
    An hour later,she went into his room with a tray of food.
*Knock knock*
Eric heard the knock on his door and keep the phone he was operating beside him on the bed.
"Who's there?"he asked but got no reply.
"Come in"he said staring at the door. Ruby opened it and stepped in.
"I brought you some food. You haven't eaten"she said kept it on his bedside table.
"I ate at the office"he said.
"But still you have to eat"Ruby insisted.
Eric looked at her in the face and then at the food. With a sigh,he said
"I'll eat it later. Thank you."he mumbled and picked up his phone.
"Um. You don't want company. I can keep you company if you...."Ruby began.
"Ruby,why don't you get it when a guy ask you to leave him alone. Stop being clingy "he said.
"But am concerned about you. And besides this is not a way to treat a family member who just came back "she said keeping a sad face.
"Really?Gosh!"he scoffed"Family member my foot. Stay away from me. I don't like you and never will. So please stop being so pathetic "he said.
"Who gets married because of love these days. Shouldn't you be at least grateful that I love you. How can you keep this up if we're suppose to get married?"she asked.
"Alright,let's see where this love of yours gets you to. Now,get out."he said and went back to his phone
       The next morning, Eric sauntered down the stairs leading to the garage, already dressed up for work.
He stopped when he heard call from way up the stairs. He turned to see her already dressed up as if she was going somewhere.
Ruby briskly walked down to him a stood facing him."Greg. Can I...."she began.
"Don't call me that."he interrupted.
"But I've gotten used to it, already."Ruby said with a grin.
"I don't care. Work on it. Now what?"he inquired.
"I want to go to the office with you today. It's been long since I went to the office"Ruby said clinging to his elbow. He glared at her hand Wich was holding on to his elbow and she let go immediately.
He turned and went towards his car.She rushed and opened the door to the passenger seat beside the driver's.
"What is it?"he asked.
"We're going to the office together"she said in her 'duh' tone and went into the car. He sighed and went in too.
He stopped the car when they arrived at the building and Ruby stepped down from the car.
"You aren't coming out?" She asked through the already closed door.
"You wanted to come to the office and here you are. I have another self-appointment" He said with a smirk and drove off.
"Hey!! Eric!!"Ruby screamed annoyed,at the exiting car.
**************** THE SAME DAY
       Eric drove into the avenue and was about to get out from his car when he saw Natalie going into a car and driving out of the orphanage.For some reason,he didn't feel like it's right to follow her but he did anyway.
  He made sure to drive from a distance so that she won't notice that anyone was following her.
In a split second,a blue convertible car collided with Natalie's car.
He thought it was unintentionally but after it repeated itself again and Natalie's car drive off at a high speed,he became aware that someone was trying to kill her.Eric increased his momento and drove after the two cars.At a point,he was driving side by side with the culprit.
The person was wearing a full mask and only glanced at him before overtaking his car.
For some reason,the car looked so familiar to Eric but he didn't have the calm mind to recollect where he had seen it before.
He looked at the plate number and almost in a flash,the convertible car collided yet again with Natalie's car making the car to somersault out of the road.
The culprit drove off but Eric stopped his car and stepped out immediately,he looked at the faint figure of the exiting car and then at the somersaulted car down the small cliff.He called the ambulance before he rushed towards the car to get her out.

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