20. Idea of Him

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Slipping back though the door was simple other than keeping the dogs quiet, it was around 3 am as I collapsed on my bed. I felt nauseous and so sick.

I slowly but surely passed out


I woke up in a funny daze, if it were for the massive headache it would me manageable. It somehow crossed my mind that I still had to get to school in this daze but had no motivation to peel myself off of the bed.. so I didn't.
I dozed in and out of consciousness, feeling the blankets wrap around me. I tuck my head into my hands as I lay on my side, thinking of the two people I had seen. They seemed so happy and they seemed to take care of each other....

I look to the clock, hoping my mom or dad wouldn't notice the absents of the bottles. Better yet the absents of me from school. I didn't want to get up and see his face in every class, laughing and laughing with his so called friends. This thought of him being content without me festers and twirls in my head, the thought of our 14 or so years of being friends ment nothing

Because they didn't for him.

I bring my hands to my neck, slowly feeling the brusies. Bringing my hands to the familiar pain, it stung.
I wished it was possible to say no.

Why was this so upsetting.

Why couldn't we be friends.

I turn to my side, looking at the remaining alcohol in my last bottle. I reach out to stuff it under my bed, hearing the distinct clinks of the other 4 bottles. I knew mom and dad were home today, but usually they don't care to check enough to see if I was okay or at the very least alive.

A creak arrives at the door of my "bedroom"

It was Avrille... of course it was.

"Jesus, you look like shit" she looks to me as she heads to the cabinets "do Mum and Dad even know you're skipping?"

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