18. The Nasty

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"Mouse, ahhooooooh!" Isla howled out and Mouse copied her. Isla laughed out. No matter how old isla got she was still so young and innocent at heart. Meanwhile kirby and taelon had the sass and attitude of their eldest brother.

"Look who's coming this way

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"Look who's coming this way." Cillian nudged Aegon and he perked up. 

"Hi, guys. Hi, honey."

" Hey." Aegon answered smiling back at her. 

"Ooh, we're honey now, are we?"

"Yes. Since their relationship became carnal, Cassie has upgraded his designated term of endearment, thus distinguishing him from those she calls sweetie, usually in an attempt to soften a thinly-veiled insult." Cyrus agreed. Isla glanced between her siblings open mouthed.

"You're boring people sweetie." Cassie agreed.

" Although, sometimes, she omits the veil entirely." Cyrus added under his breath.

"So, what are you guys doing? Can I steal Rickard?"

"Take him." Taelon begged.

"Wow." Aegon countered getting up. "I know you lot love me but, I would honestly rather suck face with Cassie so... bye."

"Suck face?" Kirby countered. "That sounds painful."

"What is that?" Sansa questioned.

"Like sucking out a bug bite?" Taelon pondered.

"Gross." Sansa countered. Robb and Jon shared a look unable to hide their smiles.

"Cassie is a bastard." Sansa whispered. "Your mother will never approve."

"My mother loves Jon, I dont think she would care." Isla corrected. Jon smiled back at her.

"Cassie is a snow, your brother is heir to winterfell." Sansa corrected.

"We dont care about stuff like that." Kirby countered. "Besides we are destined for greater things."

"Like what?" Sansa countered looking her over.

"Crowns." Kirby answered strutting off.

"She's not wrong." Cyrus agreed softly.

"Crowns? I want a crown." Sansa declared chasing after them. "I really would like a crown. What do you mean?"

"Fury," davina called out patting her thigh. He turned heading towards her at a trot.

"Kids come on!" Davina called out

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"Kids come on!" Davina called out. "Fury listens better."

"You didnt say anything-"

"Where is Aegon going? Who is that?" Davina questioned watching her son run off with a girl from town. 

"That's Cassie Snow." Sansa informed her putting great emphasis on Snow.

"Is she nice?" Davina questioned. 

"She likes Aegon so she must be daft." Cyrus answered. 

"Be nice." Isla instructed.  "She is a bit dim, but she is kind to aegon." 

"Good." Davina agreed. "Where are they off to?"

"Suck face." Taelon answered. 

"Brandon you will never believe it but I think Aegon has a little girlfriend-ohh I was going to be there to support you at the meeting, yes. I was. Shoot I knew there was something i was supposed to do before Fury distracted me." 

Snowflakes fell off davinas shoulders and down her hair as she shook out her cloak. Her dress clinging to her, she shimmed tugging at the strings loosening the corset. 

"I know I was supposed to join for your meeting," Davina assured. "I even looked the part," She did a spin and brandon watched her every move. "Dont I look beautiful? Real lady of winterfell attire."

"Take that fucking dress off now." Brandon demanded.

And that was how they ended up with little Alyssa. One simple command and nine moons later. Alyssa was born and perfect in every way.

"Okay," Aegon declared staring down at his newest little sister in Brandon's arms. "I sort of know what... how a baby is made."

"Sort of?" Brandon questioned confused.

"I mean... I have been around." Aegon agreed.

"Been around?" Brandon parroted.

"Yeah, I kissed like three girls." Aegon agreed. "I'm basically a professional kisser."

"Fucking hell," Brandon murmured.

"So since I sort of know what the hell you are doing with mum-"

"You know nothing, Aegon." Brandon corrected.

"I would like you two to stop because imagining you two getting naked together and doing the nasty-"

"Then I have a solution for you," Brandon declared putting little Alyssa in Aegon's arms. "Dont picture your mother and I naked doing the nasty."

Too Sweet /Brandon Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now