Chapter 12

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I was standing there, looking at Justin, wondering what's going to happen if my dad didn't go through those doors. I know in my heart, Justin would be hurt but then would still love my dad. I was so nervous, standing there. Why was my dad taking so long going through those doors? I think that was on everyone's minds. 

Then all of a sudden, the doors flew open. My dad pointed his finger at me to tell me to come here. I walked towards him. He grabbed my arm. We started to walk down the aisle. With everyone smiling and crying, we made our way to the end. My dad took his place in front of Justin. I took my place beside my dad. 

" Who gives this man away?" 

I walked to my dad and grabbed his hand. 

" I do." 

I took it and put it in Justin's hand. They lipped to each other I love you. The man started to talk.  

"Please repeat after me, I, Brian, take you, Justin, to be my lawfully wedding husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death does us part. "

" I do." 

The man started to talk. 

"Please repeat after me, I, Justin take you, Brian, to be my lawfully wedding husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death does us part." 

" I do." 

" Can I have the rings?" 

I handed Justin his and Gus handed our dad's. My dad held his ring. 

" With this ring. I thee wed." 

He slipped it on Justin's finger. Brian held out his hand. 

" With this ring, I thee wed." 

Justin slipped it onto my dad's finger.

 " By the powers vested in me as a Justice of the Peace for the Commonwealth of Pittsburgh, I pronounce you are married. If you wish to seal this marriage with a kiss, you may do so now." 

My dad and Justin kissed. 

" It is my personal privilege and great joy to be the first to introduce Brian and Justin as a newly married couple. Partners in life... for life." 

We all clapped, while they walked down the aisle, we followed them out of the building. They got in the limo and drove off.

 They all met at Michael's for the reception. Everyone arrived at Michael's. The music started to play, and everyone started to dance. I was sitting at a table.

 " Do you want to dance?" 

I turned around, it was Gus. 

" I really don't know how, so if I step on your feet, I'm sorry." 

Gus grabbed my hand and lead me to the dance floor. We started to dance. I felt everyone's eyes looking at us. All I could do was put my head on his chest.

 Brian and Justin were in the limo.

 " I think we should make a pit stop." 

Justin looked at Brian.

 " I want to save that for our honeymoon." 

" I don't get anything from my husband?"

 " How about this." 

Justin started to rub Brian's pants. He unzipped his pants and pulled out Brian's hard on. He bends over and started to suck it. Brian started to moan. Justin started to suck faster and Brian moaned louder. Brian finally got off.

Brian and Justin,Ten Years LaterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang