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Sitting in front of the window, lost in her fantasy, she was, with a nonchalant expression on her face. You can't tell if she was sad or happy, but you can guess she was relaxed. It was heavily raining outside that day, but she seemed to be enjoying listening to the sound of the rain pouring and the thunder's strikes like a symphony from heaven. She put her hand on the window, feeling the wet glass in front of her with her skinny and small fingers. "Why do you think people fear the sound of thunder?" she asked without looking back at the woman who's been watching her for a while now.Mrs. Clark pondered the question, her gaze fixed on the rain-soaked horizon. "Perhaps because it's a reminder of nature's raw power," she mused. "The unpredictability, the force... it's only natural for fear to arise in the face of such primal energy. Don't you also fear the thunder, Maddie?" she asked.
"I love thunder. Being able to hear the sound of the heavy rain and thunder makes me feel some kind of peace within me. The loud roar of thunder reminds me that even nature needs to scream sometimes, and the strikes of lightning remind me of how death can dance beautifully with life."
"I find your perspective truly intriguing, Maddie," Mrs. Clark remarked, her tone laced with genuine admiration. "It's evident that your outlook on life has undergone a profound transformation. In fact, I must say, all of you have changed quite remarkably."
Maddie's gaze shifted from the window to meet Mrs. Clark's understanding eyes. There was a flicker of confusion in her expression.
"Well, I guess I'm not the same person anymore."
"How so?" Mrs. Clark asked curiously.
"I've learned to embrace the storm within me. To accept and live with the demons that haunted me. To find myself in chaos."
"And what caused such a change, do you think?"
"It began with acceptance. Acceptance of my own truth, my own reality. I realized that my hallucinations were not a flaw, because those hallucinations were none other than a reflection of my innermost desires and fears, desires from the future and memories of the past. In other words, things I wasn't ready to let go of, and I learned how to let go."
"I'm curious about the journey you've undertaken to undergo such a big transformation, Maddie. I would be deeply happy if you could share with me the experiences you've had in the last few months. Your insights will not only help me understand you better but also provide invaluable guidance in our session today. Shall we dive into your journey together, Maddie?"
"Absolutely, Mrs. Clark," Maddie replied, her voice steady yet infused with quiet determination. "I would be happy to."
"Great! Let's get started then."

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