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Ava stabs her silver fork into the cake on her white porcelain plate. Apollonia noticed Ava's mood and was confused by it.

She taps her shoulder. Ava nonchalantly looks up at Apollonia.


"Yo? Is you good?" Ava nods.

"Just haven't been sleeping much. Not used to the Florida weather." She lies. Apollonia didn't believe it one bit but let it slide. She grabs her iPhone, waking up her screen to look at the time.

"Has any of y'all heard from Auri?" She asks the current attendants at the bakery. They all shook their head. Apollonia groans. She apologetically looks at Sandra, the baker.

"Let me see what's going on." Sandra nods. Apollonia gets up and turns around to see Auri and LeRoi entering the bakery. Auri's nose scrunches up in disgust.

"Is that Lemon?" She disgustingly asks. Apollonia worriedly looks at Auri.

"Yea? How do you smell that all the way over here?" Auri shrugs.

"I don't know. I just do. I don't want it. It smells so fucking gross." Auri exclaims. She looks back over at Sandra, very apologetic. LeRoi nudges Auri. Auri looks over at LeRoi, confused.

"What. It stinks." She argues. Apollonia sighs.

"Well, now that you're here, we can start." Auri shakes her head.

"Not yet! I invited Lauren to join us. Also, Kaide expressed he wanted to come." Ava's ears perked up after hearing his name. She looks back at Auri, confused.

"Huh? What do you mean Kaide is coming?" Auri, LeRoi, and Apollonia walk towards the table.

"Well, Kaide called me and asked if he could come, and since I like him, I said sure."

"Well, I don't have enough samplers for the guest." Auri shakes her head.

"It's fine! I'ma just give my samplers to Lauren, and I assume Ava won't mind sharing with Kaide." Ava looks at Auri, worried and slightly concerned. Did Auri know about the relationship? Did they break up for no reason? Did she overthink everything for no reason?

"Why do you assume I don't mind sharing with Kaide?" Auri sits down, shrugging.

"Cause we family, I thought you wouldn't mind. Am I wrong?" She questions, but Ava shakes her head.

"No, it's fine," Ava mutters. Auri hums as she looks at all the cake samplers.

"OOO what is the blue one?" Sandra's blue eyes light up.

"This is a blueberry cake with cream cheese icing and a mixed berry jam filling." Auri's eyes lit up.

"That sounds good!" She exclaims.

"Don't forget to remember that our theme is Onyx, Carmine, and Amber Gold." Rayven reminds Auri. She sighs, annoyed.

"I'm pretty sure you can dye the cake or maybe... It just doesn't fucking matter Rayven." Auri argues.

"You know how out of place blue looks with those color schemes?" Rayven argues.

"It's fucking cake?! Nobody is gunna sit down while eating their cake and say, "Ew! The cake is blue. That is so tacky." Auri mockingly argues as Rayven rolls his eyes.

"My name is on the line."

"Bitch fu---"

"WHY WE ARGUING?! IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE A JOYOUS TIME!" Kaide happily exclaims, walking behind a very pregnant Lauren. Lauren scrunches her nose up in disgust.

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