Chapter- 6 "Bride or No Bride"

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[Words Count: 1937 ]

Laura Lewis

Marriage....what an ironic word yet a beautiful word. Marriage is where two individuals unite, mutually for their love. When I was a child, I usually played a game called Marriage, where me and my friends made a fake marriage to play. , I always used to be the bride, and my other friend who also was a girl became the groom. I always wear my little white frock for the wedding and my friend becomes the groom by wearing her brother's clothes. In that game, we both get married to each other. Our parents as in our other friends who became our parents in the game, matchmade us for the marriage. After we got married in the game, we built our imaginary house and a lifestyle. Where my husband goes to work and I as a wife stay at home and cook food for him. I dress up beautifully to wait for my husband to return after work so that we can eat together. We always play this imaginary marriage game in our childhood. The sweet moments that happen between husband and wife are the symbol of a happy marriage. The way my husband takes care of me and sometimes when he cooks for me or does the other chores of the house are the joyous moments of a happy marriage. Where I always want my husband to pay attention to me. Those imaginary moments are so beautiful when I get sick and my husband takes care of me. After playing the game, when I go home and tell my mother how I imagined my husband to be? She always says that I will get a very handsome and loyal husband who takes care of me. I used to feel shy when she mentioned my husband.

Is my imagination of having a good husband wrong? Did my imagination go overboard? Did I think of too many qualities my husband will possess? I should have not played that sort of game in childhood. It made my hopes high for a good and loyal husband.

Can my imaginary husband and the one who is about to be my husband be the same? Can they be ever compared for any factor? It seems to be a waste of time thinking about my husband or a marriage. There is a saying think positive and feel positive.

I have been thinking about my marriage as I glance at myself through the mirror while getting ready.

This morning Ace bought the Wedding Dress for me. He gave it to me before leaving the room. He said although there was no need for a wedding dress because everything happened too suddenly later he thought that it was my first and the last marriage so, I should wear a wedding dress.

"How thoughtful of him?" I scoff while glancing through the mirror.

As our wedding was happening all of a sudden from nowhere, he said that only family members would be there and an officiant would perform the marriage

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As our wedding was happening all of a sudden from nowhere, he said that only family members would be there and an officiant would perform the marriage. The wedding gown he bought for me was simple yet elegant. The dress was not too much for our wedding or not too less. It was a perfect combination of simple and beautiful. It was a white gown with flowers and leaves which embraced the dress beautifully. My collarbone, shoulders, and sleeves were made of white lace net which made my skin barely noticeable. The dress was not that heavy yet gave a good amount of flare at the bottom. I tied half of the hair back leaving the rest open in a way where a few hair strands were lingering on my face. I didn't do any makeup just washed my face before wearing the dress. I always go without makeup as I am a doctor, I always have to focus on my patients more rather than my face.

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