Joshua's Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he gripped the door's handle. He can do it...Maybe nobody can recognize him since he's wearing a face mask this time. This is his chance now to escape.

It's now or never.

He opened the door carefully to avoid attention from people outside his room. He didn't know that, Ian was standing outside. Waiting for his courage to go inside to talk to him because of what happened earlier when Joshua kissed him without permission.

"Where are you going?"

Joshua startled and for a second, his heartbeat stopped.

"I-I just want to breathe fresh air..." He's avoiding eye contact.

"Can't sleep?"

"Y-yeah.. By the way? What are you doing here?"

Now, it's Ian who is avoiding the gaze. 

"I just passed by-you know-checking my patients." Joshua nods his head. "Let me join you to get some fresh air."

They walked to the lift. Right after the ding sound, the elevator's door opened. They step inside and when the doors close, it's started to move upward.

The short travel to the top of the building was awkward but they managed to go on the rooftop.

Joshua filled his lungs with cold air when he lay on the pavement.

It's now 2:27 a.m.

"Whiskey?" Ian offered.

Joshua couldn't believe what he was seeing held by the nurse. He grabbed it to check it himself if it was real.

Ian chuckled. "It's real."

"Really?!" Ian covered his mouth, because Joshua unknowingly made a high-pitched voice, maybe because of the excitement.

"Don't make a noise."

Joshua nodded. "I'm sorry...C-can I drink this?"

"What do you think?"

He didn't think anymore. He removed his face mask then he opened the bottle and he shoved it right in his mouth. Three gulps.

"Hey, slowly.." Ian restraint.

"Thank you," said Joshua as he wiped his mouth. Then he passes the bottle to Ian.

Ian did the same.

Now that Ian started it, Joshua didn't miss his chance to ask something else. "Do you have a cigarette?"

Ian chuckles but he's groping his pocket. "Here.."

"Wow, thanks, man!" Joshua can't help but close his eyes as he feels the smoke entering his lungs...After that, he coughed.

Ian rubbed his back. "Are you okay?"


Ian laughed then he drank the wine right from the bottle again.

"Straight question.." Ian makes air quotes to emphasize his first two words. "Are you the first word?"

"What do you think?" Joshua asked back.

"Well...you kissed me."

Joshua's eyes glued to Ian. "Yeah?" he confirmed.

"'Cause I'm not," Ian admitted. "I mean, I'm not totally gay. I think I'm Bi."

"Hmm.. hmm.." Joshua moved his head like he understood. "LGBT for me is a one word. Gay."

"People have their preferences. For me, Bi is not a gay."

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