I'm Always Sorry

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The snow has stopped but even in the light of a full moon, visibility is poor and the cold wind would suddenly sweep in and blow the last snow into huge, swirling clouds. Even so, Negan finally finds the car and deposits Michael and Bella safely into the backseat. Glenn suddenly breaks through the trees and dives into the passenger seat trying to catch his breath. Negan jumps behind the wheel; starts the car and heads down the road, hoping Morgan and the others are close by...heading for the safety of Alexandria. Glenn quickly recounts what happened in the hotel after they left and that...Gabriel has been taken by the same people who took Jaxon.

It's all too much for Bella, who has placed her head on Michael's shoulder, softly crying, she sobs, "Why did they take him, Michael?" If I'd only been half the fighter my dad was, I wouldn't have just run away!" Michael held her tight and said, "Bella, we had no choice. But you said your mom, Lucille, told you in so many words that he wasn't such a good guy." Suddenly, Negan's ears perked up. Had he just said Lucille? Bella continued, "She was right. Dad did cheat on her and he had his faults but she did the same thing. I was a kid. I didn't understand. I did love him though." Michael slowly asked, "Then why did you run away?" Bella softly answered through her tears, "I became afraid of him after momma died. He was different. He became violent. Not to me but to others. That's the courage and rage I needed today!"

Five minutes go by in unbearable silence. Negan can scarcely believe what he's heard! Was this possible? Gabriel is gone and now this young woman could be his missing daughter. But it couldn't be. She goes by Bella. Finally, he can't go another mile without knowing the truth. So looking at the young woman in the rear view mirror, he asks, "Is that a nickname you use? Bella?" I have a beautiful daughter who ran away shortly after the world went to hell. She was afraid of me too. You two are a lot alike but her name was Haley." Bella was now staring intently at Negan. There's something vaguely familiar about him. He continued, "She was only 15. I looked for her everywhere but had no clues as to her whereabouts. When I lost her mom, the most beautiful woman..." A slight sob catching in his throat ..."I had ever known, I lost myself. But Haley...when she left? I completely gave up. I had nothing left." Negan stops talking and waits. Bella leans forward so she can see this man's face in the moonlight. It's then she sees it! The locket! She gave it to her dad on Father's Day, many years ago. It contains a picture of the two of them; smiling and happy. She can't believe it! Can it be? There are vivid memories screaming in her mind and heart but she needs to know for sure. She begins to speak, tentatively. "I did find the courage to go home. There was nothing left. The house had been burnt to the ground. Can I ask you? What was the name of that beautiful woman? Your wife? Bella waits for Negan's reply, breathless with anticipation and hope. Negan pauses. It's been so long since he burned the bat and asked her to forgive him. "Lucille. My sweet Lucille." Bella sees tears streaming down her father's face. She leans closer to Negan now and whispers in his ear, "Who gave you the locket you wear?" Negan looks into the rear view mirror once more..."My beautiful daughter, Haley." Haley sees his face soften and a tear slip from his eye. The next words she speaks changes their lives forever. "It's me. I'm Haley. I gave you that locket. It has a picture of you and me in it."

Both Glenn and Michael are completely stunned by the news and you could've heard a pin drop were it not for Bella's sobs. She reaches into the pocket of her jacket for a tissue but instead pulls out a crumpled piece of paper. When she reads the words which are crudely scribbled on the paper, she cries out..."The Flock! She is now facing Michael and waving the paper in the air. "That's who took Jaxon!" "Bella...err...Haley! What are you talking about?" Shouts a now very confused Michael. She quickly reads the note out loud for all to hear. "They must've shoved this note in my pocket when I was struggling with them. It says we are not to follow or search for them because it will end in tragedy. They say they have an agenda. It says, "We will build a new world by raising and indoctrinating "pure" children under the age of 4 into our new way of living. Teaching them how to survive in our new utopia. Those who fail indoctrination will walk with the undead forever!!"

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