Lost and Found

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Judith's POV

"Okay, I'm back," says Judith, breathlessly. "For a few minutes anyway. It's been so busy here. To take some pressure off of mom and dad, RJ and I have been working really hard trying to get our rooms and some of the other rooms in our house packed. Mom and dad seem to be doing great, although I don't know if anyone could ever really get over what they went through. Over the last 2 days, they've been able to share some of what happened and I have to tell you...I wasn't the only one left with my mouth hanging open! Some of the stories made me really sad though, just thinking about them having to go through it alone but there were also some really good people they met along the way, some bad people who had a change of heart and some new villains whose deaths reflected the lives they led. Pure evil. It's so hard watching them try and put it all behind them and focus on our future, which is looking brighter and brighter every day!

I'm so proud of my dad. Gotta be honest though. I thought having mom and dad here again would be great. Like all those years without them never happened. Reality? Dad's last memory with us was the day he blew the bridge. The last image he remembers? The sight of us: me, Michonne, Daryl, Maggie, Carol and many more...all standing on the bank of the river, watching helplessly. He couldn't get to us nor could we get to him. That's what he carries with him. He was the only one who knew he hadn't died in that blast.  What memories did I carry with me? That I'd never known my real mom and suddenly my Dad was gone. Michonne and Daryl, however, never gave up looking for him. Harsh truth in this apocalyptic world? We needed to get on with living and rebuilding what we have left.

We went through so much in the time dad's been gone but at least we were together now. What dad needed to hear in order to bring him up to speed, we all agreed he needed to learn slowly. That the bridge was never rebuilt, the communities drifted apart for a while, we became the targets of two new evils called The Whisperers & The Commonwealth and we suffered the loss of several friends dad had known. Tara, Enid, Henry and Jesus. These were the answers he had to have so he could begin to get straight in his mind what transpired while he was gone and at the same time try and make peace with what he went through. Eight years is a long time when you can seem to find your way out of the darkness.

Dad was very quiet the first day; like he thought he was dreaming and was terrified he would suddenly wake up. Mom and dad took long walks together during that time. Maybe that's what they needed the most. The quiet. It was also moments like that when dad would take RJ aside and spend time just getting acquainted with the son he almost never knew.  Mostly, I loved the smile I would see on Michonne's face as she watched from a distance. She had her whole family back. Together. The day she said was her most precious? The third day, when RJ quit calling Rick the "brave man" and shyly started calling him...dad. My favorite moments were in the evening as we were getting ready to go to sleep. Mom and Dad would come up to my bedroom. RJ and dad would sit in one bed. Michonne and I, cuddled up in the other. They would take turns telling us stories of what it was like when they were kids...before the dead started walking.

Yesterday was the best day though. Most of us were outside deciding which things would go on the wagons when I heard Aaron holler out, "Morning Rick...Michonne." I  turned to see mom and dad approaching me, RJ and Jenny. "We thought it was high time we came out to lend a hand and find out what else needs to be done." My dad said with that same old "Rick" charm and confidence he had always had before.  Aaron and Maggie walk up to them with lists of what still needs to be organized, packed up or kept out until we actually leave Alexandria. Dad commented to them what a great job they had both done in pulling everyone together to get this much accomplished in such a short time. The group's attention then turned to the lists and talking over other important details which still needed attending to.  Me?  I just stood there watching the years just melt away.  I'll tell you a secret.  I teared up knowing mom and dad were truly back now.

I haven't had the chance to talk to my dad about, well, not being my "real" dad thing.  I just can't right now.  He's been through so much.  The truth is?  He's been my dad since I was born.  I don't think it really matters who the other guy is.  Rick Grimes IS my dad...my father.  He's the one who has always shown up and been there for me.  Maybe I'll never talk to him about it.  Negan?  I should really be angry because he told Ginny something I should've heard from my dad....yes...my dad.  But, Negan has also gone through hell.  Who of us hasn't?  Live and let live.  I will always call him my friend.

Oh my goodness! I can't believe I almost forgot to tell you! I have some really BIG news! Everybody, including me, is so excited. Aunt Carol called in around noon to let us know that, without any complications, she and Daryl should be arriving in Alexandria by morning!  Man, I can hardly say it without crying. Maybe that's why dad came outside. He'd been pacing the floor since she radio'd the news. I think knowing he'll see Daryl again is almost too much for him. He really loves Uncle Daryl like a brother. Carol says he's still not talking but she's sure being back with friends who love and care for him will kick start his healing. I'm not sure what I'll do when I see them. I'm so nervous. Maybe because I just can't believe they will actually be here. Wow, so much emotion swirling around in my heart and my head.

Oh my gosh! Can you stand more?!? Our shortwave radio has been hot lately! We also heard from Morgan. He said they were 50 miles out from a small town called Culpepper Creek. The group had agreed to pay this small town a visit because all the information they had read made it sound really promising. What I want to know is, where on earth did they get the information?! As far as I know, the World Wide Web is still World Wide Dead like everything else. Anyway, Morgan said Culpepper Creek is several miles off any major highways or interstates, is fairly secluded and just big enough for us. Sitting sweetly in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains too. They said, if all went well, they would be back in a week or less.  Hopefully, we'll hear something else from them tomorrow. Now I'm starting to get really excited! We all need new beginnings!"

Chapter After Thoughts

So much going on!  I can't wait to finish the next chapter!

Please let me know what you think!

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