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Subject 03: Diona Meyer
Gender: Female
Magic-type: Emotion masks

A1: I slept worse than yesterday and better than tomorrow. Wait, does that make sense? I slept. I ate. I was able to do things again. That won't be the case today. Yesterday the doctors told me they needed more. I can't. It hurts so bad. They won't stop. One day I'll be free. That is what I hope for tomorrow or any other day in the future. It keeps me up if that makes sense. It's my goal for tomorrow and my hope for today. My hours of rest are over for today.

"Get up. Get dressed. Eat and follow." A woman says from outside. The voice is deep and sounds a bit irritated. The lights of the girl's room flicker on and shine light on another day. The room is tidy. The walls, floor, and ceiling are bright white. In the left corner is a toilet and sink with a mirror hanging on the wall. In the right corner is a small bed and a single, thin blanket that covers the tired girl. Her clothes are folded up nicely next to her bed. Assuming she had done that herself yesterday evening, she didn't have a lot of time for a good night's rest. The people outside of her room might have brought these clothes as well. Whatever the case, she definitely woke up in the middle of the night for some reason. That could be told by the sheer mess the blankets leave in comparison with the rest of the room. Not to mention that her pillow is sideways.

My clothes are the same as always and my room is clean yet I'm not ready. They don't care so why should I? Ready or not, they won't wait. If I don't come out of this room they will make tomorrow even worse than today. I should get going. She unlocked my door already so I could just leave. The hallway is as long and straight as ever. Only one way. They enter from the other side of the glass. What is behind it? I can't be the only one like this. I'm special and they need me but am I alone in this? When I open this door, I can't go back. I have to stay strong. I am ready.

A2: She opens the door and in front of her, she sees the same chair. Every day for at least 6 years now, she has been sitting in this chair for daily 16 hours. Today is no different. The speaker on the ceiling of the room speaks: "Good morning Diona, seat yourself." Like always, Diona sits down in the chair until a little light on top of the other door next to the glass wall in the middle goes red. The glass is darkened and isn't see-through. While the light is red, the handrails of the chair release cuffs to make sure she can't move. Her legs and body also get stuck to the chair by similar cuffs. It is sad to see a shy girl around the age of 19 crying over something she has to go through every day. The light above the door turns green and the door opens. A person in a white hazmat suit enters the room while holding a toolbox and dragging a small table. They put it next to the chair and the toolbox on top. "You remember me? Dr.Lionel will be sick for a while longer." It is the same voice who told her to get ready before.

It is her again. I shouldn't have listened to Dr.Lionel. Now he's gone and it's my fault. They probably figured out his plan to get me out. Ever since then, Dr.Sayf has replaced him. Whenever she is here, it hurts so much more. The word 'gentle' isn't part of her vocabulary and the tools she uses probably come from some kind of gardening kit. I can't help blaming myself for everything they do to me. If for not me, it would've been someone else sitting here. There is no need to blame anyone as it can't be helped now. Someone save me, please.

"I'm gonna have so much fun after what you did to me yesterday. I still can't believe you were able to throw them. Anyway, you won't able to anymore now that I have these clips. Sure, it'll hurt more once I put these off your little face but at least I get the masks without touching them."

The doctor straps on a pair of metal clips on Diona's cheeks and tightens them a lot. They almost rip right through. Dr.Sayf takes large tongs and puts them on Diona's chin. To finish her preparations, she cuts the girl's arm quite deep with a sharp knife. When Diona starts crying from the pain, the doctor pulls the tongs as hard as she can. Not because she has to pull this hard but because it'll inflict more pain which will make more masks. Diona's magic is the ability to create masks of emotions she experiences. When a different person wears these, they feel these emotions equally as bad until it is removed. With the magic-enhanced tools the doctors use, they can harvest these masks and use them for themselves.

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