Leaving Home

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AN: Fall 2052. Just a little piece about RJ that I wrote for class and ended up really liking.

RJ pauses in the door of the studio. It's not where he learned to dance, but he's spent ten years here. He can still see the scuffs on the floor made by his tap shoes. And the marks left by his friends' character shoes.

There're rows and rows of dead pointe shoes lining the shelves on the right. Most of them aren't his, they belong to Richelle, Amy, and his mom. But he'd begged to learn how to dance en pointe when the girls in his class were too. He was already dancing with Richelle by then and she'd agreed he was strong enough for it. Even though they all look alike, he can still pick out his first pair on the wall. The thicker elastic gives them away, but so do all the smaller scuff marks that only he knows to look for.

Looking across the room he sees the barre, the one that's splintered more times than he can count, and been sanded down time and time again, but never replaced. Richelle has a thing about replacing pieces of the studio. RJ knows his mom would have something to say about it, but he kind of agrees with Richelle. It's nice to know that his spot at the barre will always feel exactly the same under his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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