Lokheil : 01

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“What do you think humans should do to eradicate the bad?”


Lokheil clutches her heart with her bloodied palm, her throat scratching as she emits a guttural scream, tears streaming down her bloodied face. Despite growing up behind the tall and thick walls surrounding their city, despite having no education, despite enduring hell and the trials she faced, she clung to a dream: to cross the tall borders and live happily ever after with her loved ones—if she would have any, that is.

When she was ten years old, hiding from her abusers, she stumbled upon a lone and foreign book. Despite the tears blurring her vision, the book glinted under the sun. It was different from the other normal books, outcasted and put away with the other abandoned and destroyed things.

Lokheil held the book to her chest, relief tears streaming down her cheeks, embracing just how similar they were—an outcast, overlooked, neglected. Its contents consisted of weird-looking shapes and letters she couldn't be bothered to read. Well, it's not like she can't read; the book is just weird. That is probably the reason why she's so attached to it.

Three years later, she still had the same dream. Because of that, she chose not to feel envious or jealous of the other kids around her, pampered and spoiled by their parents, with a silver spoon in their mouths. So, Lokheil doesn't feel any jealousy; she instead tries to be happy for them.

She grew up and made a friend, a kind and funny one. They met in an alleyway while hiding from the soldiers, Lokheil clutching the bread she stole from a stall while the other kid hid an apple beneath her shirt. They immediately got along, laughing at the soldiers' frustrated expressions when they realized the two little thieves had slipped through their fingers.

Lokheil grew up with the outcasted book and her thief friend, their perilous journey worth reminiscing about. Like all the other kids, she believes in fantasy. But unlike the other kids, she knew what she was capable of. How deep and unrealistic her imagination goes.

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