Lokheil : 04

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After a week of the execution ceremony, Lokheil and her companion were restless. Her companion was worried for their lives, as they were thieves—that's what they did to survive, after all. While Lokheil could not stop thinking about saving people like them.

The rain poured, its harsh pitter-patter on the mud spattering on their muddy-stained shirts. They sat inside the pig's den of a blind man's farm. Having no permanent place to sleep, they visited sheds—preferably the abandoned ones—to rest.

Lokheil thought everything her companion told her was ridiculous.

“How can you get rid of the bad without punishing bad people?” she asked. “I want to change the land. I want to make this a safe place for anyone.”

It might sound ridiculous for a kid who barely knew her biological parents to make such a heroic statement, but all kids have dreams, right? Lokheil expected her companion to laugh, but only received a thoughtful hum.

“Though you may need to erase the land's population?” her companion questioned, tilting her head slightly. Lokheil hesitantly nodded.

After, maybe, taking the people—nobles—out, then the land would become a better place for anyone. Lokheil did not like the idea of destroying her own being, but if that meant saving them and the future generation, she would do it. Also, she had read somewhere that behind the walls, another land exists.

“So, how do you plan to erase the people?”

Lokheil could only shrug, hugging the lone book when the cold breeze whispered. She could start thinking about that tomorrow; the important thing is she already made up her mind. She and her companion will annihilate the evil in their land.

“You don't even know how to take the bad people off, silly," her companion chuckled. "What do you think humans should do to eradicate the bad?”

“Uhm... Well, punish the bad people?”

Her companion shook her head to disagree, just after she finally answered her question, a silhouette loomed over them.

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