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"I remember it as if it was yesterday..."

With a trembling voice, his gaze fixed on an invisible point in the room, he continued his story.

"At the beginning, everything was normal, a holiday evening as usual and then... everything changed."

His hands clenched on the edge of his armchair as he delved into his memories.

"We were at home, Raphael and I. Our parents had gone out for the evening, so we had the house to ourselves. We planned to watch a movie, as usual. But... that night, something was different. There was a strange atmosphere, as if we were being watched."

His eyes filled with terror as he relived the events.

"I remember the noise, the strange sounds that started to echo in the house. Scratches, whispers... Raphael and I, we were terrified. Then the lights started to flicker, as if someone was playing with the switches, but there was no one. It was... nightmarish."

He paused, struggling to catch his breath.

"And then the shadows started to move, as if they were alive. We saw shapes, dark silhouettes moving in the corners of the room. Raphael screamed, and that's when everything became blurry. I just remember waking up the next morning, and finding Raphael... in that state."

He swallowed hard, his face marked by the pain of the memory.

"He had cuts all over, and he wasn't waking up. I... I thought he was dead. I... I couldn't bear to see him like that."

Tears now flowed down his cheeks, but he continued to speak, determined to express what he felt.

"I still don't understand what happened that night. I have no explanation to give, even the police would have thought we were playing a horrible prank on them if my brother didn't need to be taken to the hospital."

He lowered his head, overwhelmed by the emotion of reliving this nightmare and ended his story, letting out a trembling sigh as he gradually recovered from the intensity of his emotions.

Mrs. Moreau, the psychologist, gently placed her hand on his shoulder, offering him a look full of compassion. "It's very good, Adrien. You're making progress. Healing from a trauma takes time, but you've already taken an important step by sharing your story."

She smiled at him gently. "We can continue to talk about it at our next session if you wish. But for now, I think you need to rest."

She rose from her armchair and indicated the door. "It's late, your mother must be waiting for you to go home. Go rest, you need to be fit for tomorrow."

Adrien nodded, grateful for the support of his psychologist. He slowly got up, feeling the weight of his emotions decrease slightly.

"Thank you, Mrs. Moreau", he murmured, heading towards the door.

"No problem, Adrien. You are brave, don't forget that", she replied with an encouraging smile.

Adrien left the psychologist's office, feeling both exhausted and relieved. He knew he still had a long way to go, but for now, he could at least rest on the fact that he was on the right track, towards healing.

Meanwhile, in a dark and mysterious laboratory, a young girl was carefully examining a jar containing a strange translucent orb. She had a concentrated expression as she delicately manipulated the object, her eyes scanning every detail with great precision.

Beside her, a man, barely older, was carefully storing other jars on the laboratory shelves. Each jar contained a strange orb, both shimmering and translucent.

The young girl broke the silence.

"Raphael, I wanted to ask you something."

The man, Raphael, turned to her, a warm smile on his face.

"Of course Noa, what do you want to know?"

Noa hesitated for a moment, searching for her words. "It's because of this story, isn't it? That's why you joined the Soul Hunters."

Raphael nodded, his gaze lost in the distance.

"Yes, that's correct. After what happened to Adrien and me... I didn't want it to happen again. I didn't want other people to experience this kind of trauma."

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