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Adrien left his house, the excitement of his first day at high school palpable in the air. He mounted his bike and pedaled quickly through the city streets, determined not to be late.

On arriving in front of the high school, he attached his bike to the bike rack and made his way through the crowd of students bustling in the corridors.

Some were chatting happily, while others seemed lost in their thoughts.

Adrien followed the signs indicating the reception, eager to find someone to show him his class. But as he turned a corner, he heard an animated conversation between two students standing near the lockers.

They seemed to be discussing agitatedly, almost whispering as if they were trying not to be heard. Adrien approached, curious to know what it was about. He saw two unfamiliar faces: a girl with smooth brown hair and a boy with tousled black hair.

"I tell you, we must get it before it's too late," whispered the girl, looking around her, as if to check that no one could hear them.

The boy nodded, his blue eyes shining with intense determination. "I know I know, we have to hurry. We can't afford to let it cause damage. But the old man hasn't given any details yet and we can't do this in the middle of all these people."

Adrien couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about. He furrowed his brow, trying to grasp the meaning of their words. It sounded like players talking about a video game, but none of this conversation seemed to make sense no matter how he interpreted it.

Before he could hear more, the bell rang, signaling the start of classes. Adrien felt caught off guard, realizing he was late.

He cast a final curious glance at the two students, promising himself to return to this conversation later.

Then, he hurried to find his classroom, determined not to draw any more attention to himself.

Adrien found his classroom and entered, feeling the curious gazes of the other students upon him.

The teacher turned to him, a welcoming smile on her face.

"Hello, welcome to my class," she said in a warm voice. "I am Mrs. Martin. You must be Adrien, aren't you?"

Adrien nodded, feeling a little uncomfortable under the spotlight. "Yes, that's me."

Ms. Martin gave him an encouraging smile. "Glad to welcome you among us, Adrien. You can sit wherever you want, there are still a few free seats."

Adrien thanked the teacher with a nod and headed towards an empty desk near the window. He put his bag on the floor and sat down, feeling a bit more comfortable now that the introductions were over.

The class went on as usual, with Mrs. Martin explaining the year's program and distributing the textbooks.

Adrien took notes and tried to focus, but his mind was still preoccupied with the conversation he had heard earlier.

He couldn't help but wonder what Noa and Gabriel could have meant by "retrieved" and "avoid damage".

He decided that he should put this story aside and focus on the courses, he had to make a good impression on his first day.

Adrien was now in his third class of the day, science. He was sitting at his desk, listening carefully as the teacher described the course of an experiment planned for next time.

The teacher, Mr. Bertillon, had left the classroom door slightly ajar, a common practice to monitor the hallway or a colleague's class. As he was explaining the details of the experiment, sudden running noises echoed in the hallway.

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