Grammar(Pt. 1)

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I have 8th grade level writing/grammar, so believe me, plus, I've been writing on Wattpad since 2019-2020

If your first language isn't English or you have dyslexia, I suggest you use Grammarly, but here are some tips on grammar:


Words that sound alike but have different meanings:

Pear(fruit), pair(couple)

See(look), sea(water?)

There(Example: Look over there!)(a place), Their(Example: Look at their<thing>!!), they're(example: They're weird)(they are)

Too(Example: Me too!)(its kinda saying, "same"), two(Example: They have two<things>!!)(A number after one, before three), to(example: I'm walking to the mall!)

Your: Belonging to someone(Example: What's your name?),  you're: You are(You're beautiful)

it's: It is(Example: It's your fault), its: a Belonging to or associated with a previously mentioned thing(example: turn the camera on its side)

I really hope this helped for a better understanding! TvT 

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