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(My dearest Hope... My littlest wolf... My miracle child... What a gift to be able to leave you one last message... so please carry it with you in the years to come... I want you to know this you will make mistakes in your life that comes with being a Mikaelson.. You will go through hard times for no one with your power always knows how to use it properly.. You will find love and you will lose it for such the burden of immortality.. But the most important thing about your life is that you live it because you are my peace.. And I regret a lot of things, but I don't regret a single moment I spent with you.. I love you so much, always and forever)

Klaus finished speaking to his dear daughter, with tears falling from his eyes as he missed her.. Camille appeared from the shadows where she was waiting for Klaus to finish speaking.. Klaus looked at her with his crying face and said with a deep sigh "I missed her so much"

Camille rushed to him, holding him in her arms in a pure hug whose only goal was to comfort him.. He immediately wrapped his arms around her waist, burying his face in her neck, inhaling her scent and listening to her heartbeat, which served as a soothing to his scattered soul.. She whispered gentle words in his ear that helped him relax in her arms.. After he calmed down, they sat on a bench in the street.. Camille hugged his face, wiping his tears, saying with appreciation "What you did was wonderful.. I know it was difficult and rough for you, but you did well, honey"

He looked at her face and his breath was taken away by the encouraging look in her eyes.. That woman, with a fragile age and always a warrior spirit, had the ability to make his soul soar among the clouds.. He dropped all his armor in her presence, as he always did, complaining to her sadly "Why is this happening to her? She is too young and innocent for all this grief.. She did nothing bad to suffer like this.. All this because she is my daughter!! Will she be punished for my crimes?"

She immediately interrupted him "No"

She tightened her hands around his face, stroking his cheekbones with her thumbs.. Then she continued her speech in a confident tone, emphasizing each letter so that each word came out clearly and knew its purpose well "No, no, what you are saying now is pure nonsense.. Hope is lucky to have you.. Klaus, imagine with me that a child as powerful as Hope, who doesn't have loving nor strong parents as you and Hayley!!"

His face shrank in horror as he thought about this possibility.. They would have misused her power, or they mightn't have been able to protect her and she would have fallen into the wrong hands.. She wouldn't have grown up to be this strong, impressive young woman.. She smiled as she read everything he thought on his face, adding in a more powerful tone "Yes, like that.. Hope was lucky to have parents like you and Hayley and a family like yours.. Who were ready to sacrifice everything for her, even their lives.. So she grew up strong and durable and able to overcome any difficulty she faces.. Hope is strong, Klaus, she succeeded in overcoming many difficulties thanks to your love and the love of Hayley for her.. Yes, she is small, but she is wonderful.. She will be fine, Klaus.. Your message will push her towards her home.. And once one finds his home, he will be fine"

He held her hands that were embracing his face, bringing them close to his mouth, imprinting a grateful kiss on her fingertips.. Camille always knows what to say and when to say it, and she always chooses her words carefully.. How her words succeed every time in reaching his soul.. How they soar his soul above the clouds.. Camille tilted her face and said with conviction "You will be fine, too"

"I'm fine" he answered with sincere certainty.

She looked at him with questioning eyes and he gently pulled her closer to him.. He said in a gentle, confident voice as he placed his hand on her neck, stroking the pulsating artery "I have found my home... You are my home, Camille"

"Klaus" She whispered in a dazzled, tearful tone.

His hand rose slowly, stroking her temple and then her cheeks passionately, continuing his sincere flirtation "I have known many girls before you, but you are the first in everything real and nice.. You are my number one, there's no doubt.. And we stick together throughout.. I love you, Camille"

Her tears fell generously in celebration of his sincere words and his feelings that swept her heart.. She confessed in a soft voice "You are also my home, Klaus.. I knew for a long time that you are my home.. You are my first in everything.. My true love.. You are my number one and I will stick to you through everything.. I love you very much and I will always love you"

Touched by her feelings for him, he easily carried her to sit on his legs, saying passionately and proposing "Will you go with me on a tour in Africa? I will show you fairy-tale places there"

She replied with immediate approval "Of course, I will go with you to anywhere in the world"

"Good" Then he kissed her sensationally, feeling his soul finally free.. His daughter was about to find her home.. And he finally, after wandering for more than a thousand years, found his home in her arms.. And his healing elixir was between her lips.. She was the one who was able to make his dead heart beat again, enjoyed again the good, enlightening part of life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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