Chapter 6.

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" Awww, you look so beautiful... You a definitely going to get laid to night" Cassie gushes her eyes sparkling with excitement as she stares at me in admiration.

" Hahahaha" I Laughs and wink at her " you too, Eli won't stop pestering you tonight"

" Sure " she smiles brightly and grab her hand bag" let's get going already " she says and rushes towards the door, swinging her ass from side to side in an attractive way.

I quickly rush after her smiling from ear to ear.

I can't wait to meet her friends, I just hope they are as jovial and sweet as she is.

The ride to heaven knows where in a cab was really cool as Cassie won't stop talking about her friends and how excited they all would be to have me join their Crew, she also mentioned how crazy and flirty the guys are but of all they are all sweet to be with.

We eventually arrives at our destination and Cassie led the way into the building.

"Welcome to UCLA party arena, where all parties are held!!! "She says as we made our way into the strange building.

We walked inside and my jaw drops.
The building looks more lively inside, it's huge and well decorated to the taste of everyone including me, I like beautiful things and this building isn't an exception.

" I'll show you to my friends first before going in search of my boyfriend" Cassie says as we manage to walk through the crowd of teenagers partying.

I like it here, it looks cool and I'm definitely hooking up tonight with someone cute, it won't kill me to hook up with a random guy, more over it will help me get over Chase just for tonight.

" Here we are" Cassie laughs as
she push open a door and walk in then stood beside the door and gesture me to do same, with a smile across my face I walked in and met with the last people on earth I'll ever want to be friends with again.

Chase's friends.

They all gulp in surprise as they stares at me, someone was missing among them, Chase himself.
He must be the fucking Chase Cassie was talking about, I can't believe after everything I still met these people again, life is really unpredictable.

" You guys knows her??" A guy amongst them who must be new in their Crew questions and they all nod in sync, all eyes still on me.

" You know them already??" Cassie ask her eyes darting from me to them in confusion.

" I don't think I...."

I start speaking but gets interrupted by Sapphire who quickly stands up and wrap her arms around me.

Her kind gesture takes me off guard, cause I never expected it, though she has always been good but so bitchy.

" Is this really you, Novie????" She asks still hugging me.

What a nice new nickname.

" Yeah" I force a smile and hug her back.
She hasn't changed a bit, she still looks like the queen Sapp I've always known...

How will Chase look if everyone still looks how they looked two years ago, will he be different or will he still look like the play boy I fell in love with two years ago????.

" I'm so happy to see you again Novie, I'm really happy and I know you don't believe me" she says and pull away" we've all missed you and we are all sorry for what Ch..."

" By gone is by gone okay, let's forget what ever that had happened in the past and pretend we all are just meeting each other for the first time for a better future " I cut in and they all nod in agreement.


" I'm happy to see you again Nov" Jason, one of Chase's friend says and I reply with a smile.

" I feel so confused right now, well for now I'll pretend like nothing happened till I'm back" Cassie says all of a sudden and quickly rush out to go find Eli.

" Always a weirdo"  Sapphire rolls her eyes as Cassie leaves.

" Come sit" the new guy says patting the space beside him.

With a little smile I made my way to the bed and sat beside him ignoring the look I got from Sapphire, Jason, Molly, Fred and George my highschool friends.

I guess I'm destined to have them as friends for the rest of my life.

" You have changed Novella" Molly decides to break the silence " you look more cuter, curvy and sexy now, I can't help being jealous" she adds.

I laugh.

I didn't expect that from her, well talk of Molly she has always been a lesbian, so it won't be surprising if she's tryna hit on me.

" She's damn right,Nov" Jason, Fred and George adds in sync.

" It's natural to change, more over I wasn't meant to remain Same forever " I reply and they all nod.

" Chase won't believe his eyes when he sees you " Sapphire says and I just laugh.

Me too.

" I guess I'm the only one missing out in the gist" the new guy pouts and we all laugh.

" Well Novella meet Nicholas my cousin and Nick meet Novella my bestie from highschool" Sapphire Introduces and I couldn't help laughing.

Bestie from highschool!!!
Sounds cool!.

I turn to look at Nicholas, much to my surprise he was already staring at me with a you-are-beautiful look.
Well, I won't mind hooking up with him to night cause he is really cute, especially his bright cat like eyes, that one could stare at forever with out getting bored.

" Why are you giving me such look??" I couldn't help asking.

" You are so beautiful and I like staring at beautiful people" his reply caught me off guard and I couldn't help blushing as I felt the butterflies in my belly come back to live .
It has been long since I felt this way.. hope it's not what I'm thinking... Love.

"You are even cuter with red cheeks, gosh, I wanna date you" he adds and everyone made an 'Ohh' sound.

" Ignore him, he is just teasing you " Sapphire laughs and what he did next surprised everyone including me, he pulls me closer and kiss my cheek.

" I mean it , I really like you and I want us to date" he says, with an I'm serious look.

" Well, just quit playing cause I won't fall for it " I tell him sincerely, cause I knew he was just teasing me.

" You are so smart " he laughs and wrap his left arm around my neck." I really like you and I'll like us to be friends " he says and I nod in agreement.

Uni is fun so far.

" You guys looks quite cute together " Jason comments as he takes photos of I and Nick.

" Stop it" I try hiding my face but fails as Nick grabs my hand and mutter into my ear " smile baby, so the photos would be worth looking at"

With a little sigh, I quickly smiles, ignoring Molly and Sapphire who were busy laughing and saying all sorts of stuffs like, awww cute couples...
God when will I become a couple..

" I'm done you guys can stop smiling like morons." Jason says staring at his phone and smiling" the photos are really cute, I'll send it to you on WhatsApp, Nick"

" What about me??" I question, leaning closer to Nick whose arm is still around my neck .

" Let me have your contact, I'll add you on WhatsApp so I can forward it to you too" Nick says and gives his phone to me.

With out hesitation I quickly save my contact on his phone.

" Here, saved my number as Nove" I say as I return his phone to him.

" You should have saved it as ' My Nove.... "

Suddenly the door burst open interrupting him.

I quickly look up to see who had the guts to barge in without daring to knock and my eyes met with that of his.


To be continued.

It All Started With A Bet. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora