Confrontation (AB Edition)

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At the Lookout...

Earlier today, Skye and Rubble raced each other with their toy cars made by Kyle, Rubble had a '65 Mustang and Skye used a Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R. Skye won the race and was able to keep her car, but Rubble couldn't keep his for losing.

Skye: (Happy Sigh) I can't believe I won a toy car race, and I was able to keep the car Kyle provided me with.



Rubble: Y'know Skye, I hope you know that I'm mad at you.

Rubble sat in front of Skye.

Skye: Why? What are you mad at me for?

Rubble: Because you beat me in that race we did.

Skye: Hey, our cars were controlling themselves. It's not my fault my Skyline beat your Mustang.

Rubble: I was supposed to be the one to win that race, but you took the victory crown from me.

Skye: Listen, when I compete in special races, I never won a single one, but that changed today. The least you could do is be proud of me winning my first race instead of just going off with me.

Fed up, Rubble just slapped Skye.

Rubble: I hate to say this, but go toss your butt into a hole!

Rubble walks to his Pup-house while Skye just stood there in silenced shock.

Skye: ...

Skye: R...R...R...Rub....R.....

She was too speechless over one of her friends slapping her, so she walked behind a bush and cried there.

Meanwhile, Marshall, Zuma, Rocky Chase and Coral came outside the Lookout.

Marshall: You pups up for a game of tag?

Rocky: I am!

But then, they heard someone crying.

Zuma: Who's crying?

Chase: It's coming from over there.

They go and look behind the bush, and they found Skye laying on the ground crying.

Marshall: Skye?

Skye stopped crying when she saw her friends.

Chase: What's wrong Skye?

Zuma: Why are you crying?

Skye: (Sad Sniff x2)

Skye was too sad to even speak, so, Chase holds Skye in his paw.

Chase: It's okay Skye.

Marshall rubs Skye's belly with his paw, while Zuma rubbed his head on Skye's head.

Coral: Why are you sad Cousin?

Skye: Because... Rubble slapped me.

The other pups: (Shocked Gasp)

Zuma: He slapped you?!

Rocky: Why would he do that? He knows better not to slap his friends.

Skye: He was mad at me for losing that race we did a few hours ago.

Marshall: That was very rude of him to slap one of his friends over losing.

Chase: I think we should have a few words with him.

Skye: No, I think we should just leave him alone, cuz if we talk to him about it, then he'll just get even more mad.

Zuma: Skye's right, it would just upset Rubble even more.

Marshall: I say we should comfort her with the others.

Chase: Yeah, that's a better idea.

They went into the Lookout, and Marshall puts Skye down in a bean bag chair.

Sweetie: How'd it go?

Rocky: How'd you know we were talking about Rubble's race flare-up?

Arrby: We heard everything.

Al: And I don't think what Rubble did to Skye was very nice at all.

Everest: I can't believe that Bulldog broke my best friend's heart like that.

Skye: Rubble doesn't care about me.

Chase: He does, he's just mad about his loss. Anyways, pups, let's all give our cute friend Skye the hug she deserves.

Every single member of the PAW Patrol one-by-one except Rubble gave Skye a big puppy hug.

Skye: Thanks guys, I needed that.

Liberty: We're always happy to make one of the cutest pups in the world happy.

That was not very nice of Rubble to do that to one of his friends, right???

The End.

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