Chapter 1 GRAY

10 1 0

April 2024

*Key click click

*Key click click click

The sound of keyboard clicking in the background noise, echo throughout the individual's room. A bright screen on the computer displays a game that is base off of a well known SCP collaborative writing project on wiki. Players who had known the lore that is popular in the fandom community....

SCP Foundation

The game SCP Containment Breach that got release years back in the day, just got their game to return it's PC Stream release. A smile spread on your face as you reminisce the whole fictional horror of scps, getting scared of the unexpectation when they'll appear since the traitor who design the terrible layout facility was purposely making others get lost along the way, only for them to meet their end with scps.

You're no expert in playing the game. You have your share moments getting lost and unalive over and over again. Blsss Youtube to help guide the way to speedrun the game. Seeing different endings and finding out the main character's identity.

The one thing that kept them thinking about is the theory behind the Spiral Gestalt.

They watch as the youtuber talk about the main character's involvement in researching unauthorize classified scp. They point out about the spiral phenomenon of repeating words black, white and ends with gray. It can be hinting of the character D-9341 aka Benjamin Oliver Walker transcendence. Gray can mean you  as the player can manipulate through D-9341 in the game using the Save and the load option with the Spiral Gestalt.

Another thing that remind them of the similar idea in the SCp wiki, SCP-001 S Andrew Swann's proposal (the database). As it is us ourselves. Infinitely trascends all narratives, meta, or not. Though it is just a theory, that a SWANN entities others talk about in the alpha layer using the scp wiki site of the proxyverse layer. Other SCPz are aware of the existence of them and even scp-3812 even interact with the author.

Though with all the cosmology, multiverse, nexus, timelime, hierarchy layers, tree of knowledge, and the list goes on. Some events can be canon, some might not, you get the gist of it. Looking the scp wiki and the game they got an idea that they want to try out. With this thought in mind they gather all the materials they'll need in this project. Inputing coding in the system of CB and scp wiki. Create an avatar ai body for the user to connect in the world.

VR headwear to see the new reality in the scp universe. A convient tool to log in and out of the world whenever I want with no string attach. Include that with spiral gestalt and god mode is essential for their survival. A controller to help move my new host in the AR AI body. This will be perfect game plan to be set in stone, however theirs no guarantee for sure to know if this will work. Better to be precaution......will here goes nothing.

You look one last time to see everthing is set. As soon you're about to login....a light glare hit in the corner of your eyes. A light reflect from the desk lay a photo in the frame. Staring blankly at the photo with an unspoken emotion. With final resolve you place the VR headwear and begin to log in the system.

"SCP Foundation world here I come!"

A luminous screen opens up as the system begin to load.

[System Loading with all final sync world and files....]

[System Loading Complete!]

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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