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Kai awaited patiently to hear what boss had to say to him, he had been summoned to talk to boss and he said that it was rather urgent that the two of them had to speak. So he didn't know just what so important that he had to rush into the house to talk to boss. Boss had a folder in front of him and was contemplating something before he shook his head and slid the folder towards him. When Kai had the folder in front of him, he saw that there was two different family names on the folder 'Aizawa/Santos' on it. 

Kai raised an eyebrow at the elder male. "What's this boss?"

"Your next assignment. We've just heard recently that the last of that blood line was killed not long ago and their eyes were pierced out. I have reason to think that the person who was killed had it coming due to debts that family owes. I've kept rather close tabs on that family and who had died was the father figure of the family-which means there should be at least a mother and child somewhere out there."

Kai looked down at the folder once more to see the agreement being right inside of it. He picked up the agreement to read it to himself so he knew just what he had gotten as his next assignment.

|This is a legal contract that has been overseen by the lawyer named Batos Kyo who has confirmed this contract legal and does not cross any laws put into order by the country. This contract confirms that the Aizawa/Santos family will at any point in time give up a child-male or female, at the age of thirty or close to it within twenty to thirty years of this contract being signed by all parties who are witnesses of this contract. 

The contract is as follows; the person who is given up from the family in debt will be treated properly and will need to have at the least two children, along with it-they will need to marry someone from the gang they are in debt to. Once the debt has been fulfilled the marriage can be separated and all will be forgiven and forgotten. But the children stay within the gang if the marriage is canceled after the allotted time...|

Kai looked at Boss confused "Just what type of contract is this?"

"An Arrange marriage one Kai. You have two years to find someone with one of those family names before I allow the others to do the same in a more violent way." Boss said seriously

"I see, you want to see if I can place my pacifism into practice?"

"Indeed, I know how much you don't like blood shed. So for the next two years this is what I want you to do. If you need any help with anything you may ask me anything."

"I do have a few questions before I leave out, I'd like the address of where the last of these two family names were killed as well as any other information that you can give me about these two family names. I don't wish to be in the dark about what I'm about to do."

"Very well, the person that was killed was named Aizawa Shouta-he had been married to a woman named Santos Donna. She was pregnant when I had last seen the two of them. Where Aizawa was killed was their estate which is placed upon that contract. That family has secluded themselves rather well for so long not much else has been known about that family."

"I see, so the wife didn't take on her husbands name then?"

"No, it seems not. Guess she didn't want to deal with the troubles of redoing her identity."

"That's fair, very well then. Looks like that's where I'll go first-Hopefully I will find something there that others haven't found."

"Best of luck Kai, you're going to need it."

Kai nodded his head and he took the folder with him as he got up, he then looked over the arrangement contract only to see that the address was on the other side of town. So he grabbed his keys and drove off to the address as he placed it into his phone. Once he got to the estate past the gates he turned his car off and grabbed his phone. Kai looked at the estate carefully to see if he could see anything within the windows from where he stood, but he couldn't. So he went inside the estate where he saw an outline by the stairs where Aizawa was killed.

He let out a scoff before he looked on the first floor quietly, the first place he looked was what looked to be a library area. As he was in the room he came across a photo album, he pulled it out and saw that it was a baby photo album. 

'This is the photo album of Santos Rose born on 6th, May xx91'

The brunette male raised an eyebrow as he read what he had. "So they had a daughter by the name of Rose huh? So where is she?" He muttered to himself as he looked through the photos to see that the female he was looking for was a brunette female with short hair and ruby eyes. No doubt getting the eyes from her father and her hair color from her mother.

As he placed the book away he was whacked upside the head with something and fell to the ground before his vision ended up blurring out as he went unconscious. When he woke up he saw that he was tied up in a chair with a singular light on him. 

"Who are you and why are you here?" A stern female voice said in the darkness of the rest of the room.

"I'm am Chisaki Kai from the Yakuza, I came here looking for someone with either the Aizawa or Santos family name to complete an agreement that was made years ago."

"I don't believe that bull shit! Someone from that shitty group killed Aizawa Shouta and stabbed his eyes out!" The female growled out angered

Kai let out a sigh as he had his eyes shut before he opened his eyes and looked forward. "Did they have the tattoo that I do on my arm?"

The female was silent for a moment. "What tattoo?"

"On my upper left arm there is a tattoo that shows that I am a part of the Yakuza."

He soon felt his sleeve being pulled up before he heard a sigh "so that bastard was lying...no he didn't. So...you're really a Yakuza huh? What Agreement does that family name need to do with that gang?"

"I brought the folder with me, It should have fallen when I did."

"So that's what that was huh? Hold on."

More That Just A Debt [Chisaki Kai Love story] Arrange Marriage AuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora