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Rose hated that her mother had left her alone with the dead body of her father after some man had came in claiming he was from the Yakuza gang wanting to kill them. Her father fought tooth and nail to protect her and her mother-but her mother was a coward and chose to leave the estate. So she was left on her own for hours in her own thoughts until she saw a black car parking in front of the estate. Her ruby eyes narrowed seeing a male come out of the car.

"Who the fuck is this asshole?" She growled under her breath

Once she saw him enter the house, she slowly made her way down the steps without her shoes on. She knew just what boards creaked and which boards didn't, so she was able to get one of the skillet pans from the kitchen before finding the brunette male in the library. If it wasn't for the fact that she had to protect herself-he did look rather charming. She shook her head as she heard him mutter to himself.

She raised the pan over her head and hit him square in the back of his head making him fall to the ground rather quickly. Rose looked stunned seeing that she actually knocked the guy out. "Ha! Fuck yeah! And dad said that kitchen ware wasn't a good fighting tool! Take that bitch!" She said amused at herself for what she did

She then dragged his body to the middle of the library where she placed him on one of the chairs before she got rope from one of the other rooms to tie him to the chair placing Zip ties between the ropes so he wouldn't be able to escape no matter what. She then placed on one of the overhead lights on the male while she waited for him to wake up, which he didn't till hours later as it became dark. 

While she had waited for him to wake up, she ended up getting her sketch book to sketch the male's face. She wouldn't deny just how handsome he looked-had it not been for him invading the privacy of her home she wouldn't have minded being a friend to the guy...or maybe a bit more than that. Once he woke up she got up and spoke with him, after realizing who had killed her father wasn't even from the real Yakuza gang, she knew someone else was after her father.

When Kai had mentioned the folder she saw it lying on the ground-so she grabbed it and looked at it, curious about just what he was going on about. What agreement? She knew nothing of the sort. After reading the agreement fully and seeing her parents signatures she knew that he was being truthful about what he had said. 

"So...you came here looking for someone with one of those family names huh?" She asked

"Yes, are you perhaps Rose? The daughter of Donna and Shouta?" Kai asked curiously

Rose stiffened hearing his question. "Why would you want to know the answer to that?"

"If I don't find anyone with the Aizawa or Santos family name within the next two years-more blood thirty people will find someone with those names and kill them before the contract has been completed. Would you rather do things diplomatically with me or would you rather fight off over two thousand blood thirty gang members who won't give a damn that you are a woman. They will kill you then probably defile you afterwards. I'd never go that low."

Rose didn't like what she was hearing from Kai, she let out a sigh and she turned on the rest of the lights before she grabbed her dagger from her waist. "I am Santos Rose, My mother was a complete wuss and bolted away from this place after my father died. I've been here guarding the house in case someone tried to come into the house unwelcomed like you did."

"I apologize, I didn't mean to intrude. I had no intel on whether there was an offspring of the duo. Sure I was told Donna was pregnant but not if she was able to carry to term." Kai said shaking his head before he raised an eyebrow at her. "Do you always keep a pocket knife with you?"

"Being an assassins daughter...yes...yes I do."

"Assassin? I had no knowledge that the Aizawa family were assassins."

Rose nodded her head as she cut the rope and zip ties. "Mhm, you didn't hear me behind you did you?"

"No...I hadn't realized there was anyone else in this room."

"Point proven." She said with an amused chuckle

"So just how old are you?"

"Twenty seven, in two months I'll be twenty eight."

"I see...so we're the same age just I'm a bit older than you. I just recently turned Twenty-eight."

"Ahn...well that's interesting to hear. So I'm guessing it's because it's almost the thirty year point that you're being asked to find me huh?"

"Yes, I'd rather not see such a beautiful woman get murdered for the negligence of her elders. Tell me had your father or mother ever said anything to you about what I had spoken about?"

"Nope, but my mother tweaked the hell out last night hearing the word 'Yakuza' As if it was some type of curse or something on her soul."

"Well you're not wrong." He said with an amused chuckle before he could feel his hands. 

He rubbed his wrists as he saw her cut the ropes off of his legs. "Did you seriously have to use rope and zip ties on me?"

"I didn't know how strong you were and if you'd struggle to get out. I didn't want to take my chances." Rose said with a shrug "I've been taught to be rather careful...especially after my first marriage went to shit and I ended up having to kill the bastard who ended up marrying me because of him sticking his dick in a woman that wasn't me."

As Rose spoke she was rather casual, she held no remorse for killing the man that she had killed for cheating on her. When she didn't get anything from Kai she looked up at him to see pure horror and terror in his eyes. "What's with that look?"

"How could you just say that without remorse?"

"I was sold off by my shit ass mother to the Todoroki family to marry their eldest. The bastard and I didn't even get to know each other before I was married off to the fucker. Even after we were married to one another I couldn't even grasp a single emotion around him. I never loved him, I was merely with him to make my parents happy. But after I saw him fucking some other woman both of them had to pay for his crimes." Rose said as she finished cutting the ropes and ties from his ankles

She then stood up straight "I'm not going to have remorse for someone who didn't invest in my emotions or life. I was a mere doll for him and I hated it." Rose said seriously

Kai averted his eyes as he stood up "I see...So since you held no connection or emotion towards the male you held no remorse for what you had done."

"Exactly, and I made it seem like murder suicide too so no one can track it back to me." Rose said with a sweet smile

"You are one deadly woman."

"Thank you." She said with a smile

More That Just A Debt [Chisaki Kai Love story] Arrange Marriage AuDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora