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Mildred passed out for hours and slowly began coming back to his senses to feel the warm fluff of a blanket around him and a terrible headache on both sides of his head. He groaned at the pain and drowsiness that provoked in his body as he tried to open his eyes and move one of his arms, though pained him even to do that.

He heard a faint, familiar voice. It took him several seconds to be aware of who it was, but it pained him to think about it for at least a short time.

"Are you awake?" He understood.

"Are you feeling alright?" He heard Xavier say.

He made the effort to at least flutter his eyelids. As he did, he saw his environment which he recognized to be his living room, and the blurry silhouette of the person he soon recognized to be Xavier while he began to see more clearly at a fast pace, and his eyes finally remained open.

Xavier was looking at him with his usual worried face, and all of the sudden slid away from Mildred's view.

As Xavier walked away, Mildred began to open his mouth, trying to speak. Though, all that came out of his mouth seemed to be incomprehensible, just gibberish.

Even though all that came out of his mouth was impossible to understand, Xavier turned back and looked at Mildred, "Don't worry, I'm getting you some water." As if he understood exactly what he said.

Mildred, with the pain that he had in his head that affected his eyes, couldn't even look at him anymore. He groaned as he then closed them.

Shortly after, he heard the muffled sounds of Xavier's footsteps getting louder, and soon his voice could be heard again. "Are you still awake?" He wondered.

"I feel horrible." Mildred managed to mumble quietly. He could already guess how Xavier must have been feeling from that simple sentence that came out of his mouth, so he tried to speak again, "You don't have to." He mumbled again.

"No, Mildred it's okay. I don't mind taking care of you." Xavier spoke quietly, beginning to help Mildred sit up on the couch and give him a cup of icy cold water.

He groaned as he felt a freezing bag being placed on top of his forehead, though he began to ignore it as he took small, careful sips from the cup of water. "I'm sorry you have to deal with me." He began to speak a little more clearly.

"Like I said, I don't mind taking care of you." Xavier sat down on the couch beside him, "You just need to care for yourself a little more you know?" He turned his head to look at Mildred who was still struggling to keep his eyes open.

Mildred groaned loudly again, placing the cup of water on the coffee table, "I know. It's just that," He hesitated for a moment, "Something triggered me that's all."

"I'm not surprised," Xavier said firmly.

Silence had filled the living room for a moment. They glanced at each other from time to time, but that didn't break the silence until Mildred spoke out,

"Why did you decide to help me again? You could've said no. Aren't you tired of it?"

"Not really," Xavier simply replied.

"Why?" Mildred asked.

"I guess I just want to be more kind," Xavier replied.

"Really? Haven't you always been that way?" Mildred asked again, reaching for the cup of water.

"You could say that. I'm just worried about you and Elias." Xavier stated.

"I am too, but I don't know what's wrong with him." Mildred took a sip from his cup of water.

Curse of LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now