Dia & Summer

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Dia & Summer

On a cold night, Summer & Dia were in a large box at an alleyway

"This is un-fucking-believable, babe." Dia said "How can Val just throw us away like that?"

"I know, after we did everything he told us to do,THIS is what he does!?" Summer said before she sighed "Now what are we gonna do."

"I seriously don't know, Summer." Dia said

Meanwhile, Angel was walking down the streets with Tom & Pentious

"I'm telling you, working for Charlie was the best decision of my life." Tom said

"I know, she's better than that Killjoy bitch." Angel said

"You know, Vaggie & Seviathan seemed to be getting along swimmingly." Pentious said

"Yeah, I'm surprised, I thought Seviathan would give her a hard time, but he seems to be giving her good help." Angel said

"I was surprised he wanted to help Charlie with the Hotel, you think he wants her back?" Tom said

"He said he wasn't intending on getting Charlie back." Pentious said

"Could've fooled me, I mean not that I don't trust the guy." Angel said "Anyway, how are things with Cherri Bomb, Penti."

"She keeps calling me & won't stop, why can't she leave me alone!" Pentious said "Who gave her my number!?"

"I did." Angel smirked

"What!? You imbecile, how could you!?" Pentious said

"I told her you have two dicks." Angel said

"He does?" Tom said

"Yeah, snakes & lizards have two penises." Angel said

"Damn, I wish I was a lizard demon." Tom said as Pentious facepalmed "Anyway, what I'm really surprised was seeing Alastor there, we haven't seen or heard from him for like what, 7 years?"

"Yes, now that you've mentioned it, I do wonder where's he been after all this time." Pentious said curiously

"Must have been on vacation." Angel shrugged

"Vacation? Long ass vacation for him to be gone for 7 years." Tom said

"Did you ask him?" Angel asked

"I'm not sure that we should, Angel, Alastor has always been a mysterious person." Pentious said

"I asked Husk & Niffty but they don't know where he had been." Tom said

"Aren't they supposed to be his underlings?" Angel said

"Yeah." Tom said as he looked to his left before stopping Angel & Pentious "Wait fellas, hold on."

"What's the matter?" Angel said

"Look." Tom pointed at an alleyway where Summer & Dia was

"Is that who I think it is?" Angel said as she approached them "Summer, Dia, is that you?"

"Hey Angie." Dia & Summer said

"Whatcha doing out here? You get evicted or something?" Angel asked

"No, Val threw us away?" Dia said

"Threw you away? What do you mean?" Angel said

"He let us go & replaced us with two other bitches." Summer said

"Wait, you mean like willingly?" Angel said surprisingly

"Yep." Dia & Summer nodded

"But that's just preposterous, Overlords like Valentino can't willingly let go of someone who is under their grasp." Pentious said

"Actually they can if they want to." Tom said

"Don't you girls have a place to stay?" Angel said

"No, we have nowhere to go & nowhere to work." Summer said

"Hm." Angel said in thought "Tell you what, I know where you can work & stay at the same time."

"You do?" Summer said hopefully

"Yeah, you see, Charlie who is the Princess of Hell & Founder of the Hazbin Hotel is gathering new staff to hire, so both of you can work there while you have a roof over your head." Angel said

"Oh Angie." Dia said as she & Summer hugged Angel "Thank you so much, you're a real friend."

"Yeah, no problem." Angel chuckled wryly

When they got back to the hotel

"Charlie, I got two new staff members for ya." Angel said

"Really? Who?" Charlie said

"This is Summer & Dia, they used to work for Valentino." Angel said

"Used to?" Vaggie said

"Yeah, Val let them go & replaced them with some other bitches." Angel said "They had nowhere to go, so I brought them here."

"Awesome, I have just the jobs for them, Summer can be the Head Housekeeper while Dia can be the Hostess." Charlie said

"Hey, I thought I was the Head Housekeeper." Niffty pouted

"Sorry Niffty, but you can be the assistant housekeeper." Charlie said

"Okay." Niffty said

"Excuse me, I'm going to my room." Angel said as he left

Tom stared as Angel went to his room, he decided to follow him to see if he was okay. When Tom got to Angel's room he heard noises, so he open the door & saw Angel throwing stuff around.


"Angel, what's the matter?" Tom asked worriedly

"It's nothing, Tom, just go away." Angel said

"Angel, you're throwing shit around your room & making a mess, it's clearly not nothing." Tom said "Tell me, what's wrong? Why are you so angry?"

"Because I don't understand!" Angel said frustratingly "How can Valentino just let those two go, & not me! It just ain't fucking fair!"

"But I thought you were happy that Summer & Dia aren't under Valentino's ownership." Tom said

"I am, it's just..." Angel said as he sighed "Tom, you have no idea what I'm going through while being owned by Valentino. You think Katie Killjoy treating you like shit was bad, but Valentino is the worst of the worst."

"I understand that, Angel, & I know what you're going through." Tom said "But being angry like this isn't gonna do you any good."

"I know, I just wish I was free, like Summer & Dia." Angel said

"You will be free someday, we're gonna do everything we can to get you out of your contract with Valentino, it may take a while but we'll manage." Tom said

"Thank Tom, you're a good friend." Angel smiled

"No problem, Angie." Tom said as they hugged

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