Don't leave my ass

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Ranboo POV: (RAHHHH🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅)

"Do you really have to go Moonz?" I asked softly.

(Moonzy or Moonzycat is Ranboo's roommate rn. They have a twitch account. You should follow them pookie. ;)

"Yes Ran....This is a great opportunity!" They said with a smile.

"They don't deserve you. I NEED YOU." I whisper-yelled as we walked down the sidewalk to school.

"You don't NEED me" Moonzy said sassily. Rolling their eyes.

"Yeah, but who's gonna help me out lockers? And who's gonna defend me from that bitch Tommy?" I mumbled angrily.

"You'll find someone..." They said softly before a car drove slowly past us.

"FUCK YOU WEIRD FUCKING BITCH" Tommy yelled. Sticking his middle fingers up at me.

"FUCK OFF TOM!" Moonzy yelled. Flipping him off.

Tommy tapped his father's shoulder, and we watched as they drove off swiftly.

"See!? I don't know what I did to him." I muttered softly. Putting on my headphones.

I un-paused my music. Modify by Lemon Demon.

"It's alright to look cool, you do what you do, what you do" I sang softly. My voice ranging from low to high due to how the lyric were sung.

"Someone better protect this theatre kid while I'm gone" Moonzy muttered to themself as we walked. 

I chuckled softly. I pulled my hoodie over my head. 

I hope I find someone though.....God, I'm pathetic.

Tubbo POV:

I stirred awake and groaned. I bent down all day yesterday to tend to my garden. So, my back ached like a fucking old person. I thought I woke up early until I looked at my alarm clock.

"SEVEN FUCKING THIRTY!?" I yelled. Practically jumping out my bed.

"I stay awake for half an hour more to plant some lilies of the valley and I deicide to sleep for an extra HOUR!" I yell at myself.

I could just stay home but I have a stupid fucking exam that I didn't study for. I quickly put on some jeans and an oversized t-shirt. Running to my bathroom to brush my teeth and try to fix my hair. But it just wouldn't cooperate. I ran back out to search for my phone. I dumped out the contents of my backpack and searched around desperately for it.

"Where the fuck is it? I swear to God" I mumbled to myself.

I looked to the corner of my eye.

"Rocky. Don't you dare" I said sternly.

The orange cat had my stupid phone in his mouth. Daring to crack it with his sharp fangs. I watched him softly as he dropped it and ran off. I picked it up and the time read "8:45". I sighed softly. Then whined softly as I saw a slight crack.

"Goddamit, I bought this bitch a fucking week ago" I groaned. 

Rocky came up to me and snuggled up to me.

"Rocky-baby...not now" I cooed softly to the cat. Picking him up and placing him on my bed. 

I shoved an array of pencils, books, textbooks, and folders into my bag. Before picking it up and rushing out my room. Rocky followed me softly. His footsteps barely making a sound. I opened my fridge and sighed. The milk was expired. I just grabbed an apple and set it on the counter.  I rushed to a cabinet and grabbed a can of cat food. I gagged as I opened it.

"Do you think he's weird" "He's just a theatre kid"Where stories live. Discover now