Weird kid Crew

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just a silly little song

Ranboo POV:

"Ran we thought you died!" Aimsey yelled running up to me.

I braced for impact as they tackled me to the ground.

"Aimsey! Get off them!" I heard my teacher say.

The best teacher in the entire school in my opinion. Mrs. Kristen. She loves to cosplay, and she has fairytale-esque outfits that she wears every day. Today she dressed up as her persona. Our what her husband calls her. The goddess of death.

"Oh, Ranboo. Why are you so late?" She said softly. Tilting her head to the side.

"Sorry madam. I lost track of time" I said softly. My cheeks turning pink behind my mask.

"Don't worry. It's alright" She said smiling.

"Miss! Miss! Can we do the pronoun chart now!?" My friend Karl said excitedly.

Another thing about Mrs. Kristin that I loved. She took acknowledge of are pronouns and sexuality, so we always felt safe. But she treated us like kindergarteners. Which I secretly loved.

"Come class! Sit in a circle!" She said softly. Walking over to a rug and sitting on it.

There are only seven people in my class. If you count Mrs. Kristen. Since a lot of people think theatre and plays are cringey or stupid. So, they don't join. And since Mrs. Kristen can't handle noises and lots of children. The class consisted of me and five other people. Aimsey, Guqqie, Charlie, Karl, and Billzo. Mrs. Kristen pulled out a white board and held it.

"Okay, you guys pass this board around. Everyone write your pronouns on it" she said softly.

"Uhm okay" Aimsey muttered softly.

They slowly took the whiteboard and wrote "He/She/They". They passed it to their girlfriend who wrote "She/They". Guqqie passed it to Charlie. Who wrote "He/Him". So did Billzo and Karl. Karl finally passed it to me.

I stared at the whiteboard. Looking at it nervously. I never told anyone I was non-binary yet. My brain wanted to write He/Him. But before I could make a decision my hands were already writing "He/They" before I realized. I groaned in annoyance. I knew people would question me if I erased it. So, I just passed it back to Mrs. Kristen. She gave me a smile and sat down.

"Okay so. As you guys now it's almost December so I was thinking.....What if we put on a play? You guys don't have too. Actually, you do it's for a grade." She said softly.

"YES!" Everyone yelled.

Guqqie covered their ears and we all when silent.

"Too loud" She said softly.

"Sorry Guqqie" Mrs. Kristen said softly. Rubbing their shoulder reassuringly.

"We are performing Romeo and Juliet" She said softly.

"That isn't gay though" Charlie said sassily.

She just groaned loudly.

"Any gender can audition for any part. It's rare a girl and a boy will get Romeo and Juliet" She said softly.

Charlie raised his hand immediately. 

"Ma'am? If I get a female role, can I wear a dress?" He said excitedly.

"Yes" Mrs. Kristen said immediately with a smile.

"YES! LETSGO!" Charlie yelled.

"Too loud!" Guqqie said a bit louder.

"But I have something you all might not like" Mrs. Kristen said through gritted teeth.

"What?" We all said in union.

"I'm being forced by the principal to make it a public audition. So, the entire school can audition" She said nervously.

"WHAT?!" All of us even Guqqie yelled in union.

Tubbo POV:

"what?" I muttered softly. Knowing damn well what she said.

"You have 20 minutes to finish a 50-minute-long quiz. Good luck" Ms. Rose said. Clearly angry as she shoved a quiz in Moonzy and I's hand.

I stared at the questions as I walked. Accidentally tripping over Tommy's leg that stuck out.

"Oooo. You okay Tubbs?" He asked. Sucking air through his teeth.

I fell flat on my face.

"Karma" Ms. Rose muttered. 

I got up and rolled my eyes. Moonzy helped me up and sat at their desk. Luckily, they were behind me. I sat down and stared at the first question 

"If John drove to a store 15 minutes away at a constant speed of 35 miles per hour. Bought 50 watermelons. Each weighing 2 pounds. And put them all in his trunk. How long will it take John to get home?" I muttered to myself.

"What the fuck is John supposed to do with 50 fucking watermelons?" I muttered a bit louder in confusion.

"Toby! Everyone does not need to hear you fail" Ms. Rose said sternly. 

I rolled my eyes again as everyone giggled softly. I just stared at the questions. Occasionally writing a few equations but all of them led to answers that a five-year-old would know is wrong. Soon my fucking guardian angel walked pass me. Dropping a piece of paper on my desk as they walked to turn in their test. 

"Thank you Moonz" I whispered as they walked back.

They just winked and put their head down to not seem suspicious. I quickly opened up the paper. Writing down the answers and trying my hardest to make it look like I did the questions on my own. 

"Pack up. 30 seconds till the bell rings" Ms. Rose said sternly.

Everyone was done except me. I quickly wrote down my name. As soon as I did the bell rang. I quickly ran up and gave her my test. She stared at me suspiciously then turned away. I turned around and Moonzy gave me my backpack. We walked out the class. I turned around a final time to see Ms. Rose smiling as she looked at my test paper.

"Son of a bitch" I heard her mutter. She was clearly amazed.

"So, I'm guessing you passed" Moonzy said. Elbowing my arm softly. 

"It's we passed" I said proudly. Walking away with my new best friend.

I hope.

(962 words) AW H-H-HELL NAW. I'm gravely sorry for not posting pookies. It's been 2 weeks. For this little ahh chapter. Anyways my girls and gays my guys and theys have a good day/night <3

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