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Blood spattered on the ground as a large insectoid looking curse with a brown exoskeleton hit the ground its centipede like body cut to bits.

Standing above it was a woman with short messy black hair, a fair complexion and a scar on the edge of her lip.

Her attire was a black muscle shirt that hugged her toned build and a white gi pants with black rope.

Curled around her body was a purple worm like cursed spirit with the face of a baby where its head was resting on her shoulder

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Curled around her body was a purple worm like cursed spirit with the face of a baby where its head was resting on her shoulder.

"Wow you found it faster then me toji and I'm the one that can see them!"

The woman revealed to be toji smirked as she turned head to her side her scarred lip curling upwards at the new arrival.

It was a man around her age with short cut velvetly red hair and eyebrows, his skin tone was similar to herd and he has amber colored eyes.

His choice of dress was a white t shirt and black pants. On his feet he wore sandals.

Toji: Then you better be faster Y/n~

Y/n: Augh. . .and it means i lost the bet. . .

Toji: You have to cook dinner for megumi and i~

She strolled up to Y/n snaking her arms around his neck as her lover sighed.

Y/n: Yes ma'am. I won't lose next time.

Toji: To always say that and you lose every time~

Y/n closed his eyes with his brows twitching slightly before he opened them again with his shoulders sagging.

Y/n: Its just. . ugh. . you're too fast to keep up with.

Toji: Oh yeah~

Y/n: Unfortunately, your heavenly restriction is terrifying.

Toji: Hmm~ glad to hear it. Now lets get home im hungry. Did you park the car close by?

Y/n: Uh yeah i have it parked by the entrance of the forest.

Toji: Good boy~

Toji leaned in pressing her lips against Y/n who wrapped his arms around her waist kissing her back.

(The next day- L/n household)

It was mid day in the L/n household and Y/n could be seen sitting in the kitchen at a table with glasses on doing paperwork for his job.

Toji was in the living room playing with a baby boy that had spiked black hair similar to a sea urchin. She smiled as the infant babbled at her reaching his tiny hands to grab her much bigger ones by her fingers.

Toji: Look at that~ you want my fingers.

Y/n looked up from the table tapping his pen against the hard wood before he smiled.

Y/n: Looks like he's gonna be a momma's boy.

Toji: That's the best news yet with him. Megumi~ who do you like more mommy or daddy?

Megumi looked at his mother slapping his tiny hands against his onesie he was in that had tiny pandas on them and was colored black.

He crawled towards her for a moment before looking over at Y/n and started crawling his way making Y/n grin like the Cheshire cat.

Y/n: He chose me~ how do you feel toji?

Toji: Nope~

She reached down picking megumi up pressing him against her chest as her child closed his eyes.

Y/n: Ahh that's cheap!

End preview. . . .
So ANOTHER jjk story. . why. . .well to be honest this was just something that was flowing through my head. Not to mention i have a friend who recommended that i make spice of life stories Dmcsage and he likes toji now so ye. . .

There'll be more of this. .. no doubt. . I dont have to stick to canon so i can probably get chapters for this out faster then any story really just gotta be in the mood. Anyway drop a vote if ya enjoyed and I'll see ya in the next one

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