Attempted Kidnapping!

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Author's Note: Sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted to get something out to you guys. I'm thinking about ending the story in just a few more chapters. It took me so long to get back to writing this after posting the first chapter way back in January 2021, lol, but I'm determined to complete it. I tried editing it this time, but if you still see any errors, ignore them as usual, lol. Enjoy!

~Author's POV~

Y/n's ex looked back at her lying figure in the backseat as he drove to the airport as quickly as he could without risking going over the speed limit. The last thing he needed was for the cops to pull him over and see a passed-out woman in his backseat.

"I always get my way baby; you should already know this. You belong to me and not even you can change that. I messed up leaving you here because of my jealousy, anger, and pride, but I'm reclaiming what's mine now," her ex spoke out to her unconscious figure.

~Flashback to when Y/n was abandoned~

"What are you mad about now?" Y/n questioned as she and her ex entered the hotel room that they had been staying in.

"You! You always flirting with some other man! Right in front of my damn face!" he shouted as she just looked at him baffled.

"Who was I flirting with? Please tell me!" she stated exasperatedly. It was always the same story with him. Frankly, she was getting fed up.

"I was talking to you, but then you turn to the waiter and start up a conversation," he shouted back. Her eyes widened in disbelief.

"He was just awkwardly standing there, so I turned to him to see what he needed. He asked us if we needed anything else before he brought us the check. I was simply answering him. Since when does answering someone qualify as having a full-on conversation?" she screamed back.

"It is when you stop interacting with me to talk to them. I am your man. You should learn to show me a little more respect by not openly flirting with other men right in front of my damn face! I should have left your ass in America and came by myself. Then I would have had to worry about you being a whore there while I was here. It was just a lose-lose situation for me either way because you don't know how to keep your legs closed!" he shouted as she felt pure rage from his accusations.

"You are ridiculous and absolutely batshit crazy! I have never once cheated on you, and you know it! So, stop saying I'm a whore when we both know that I am not! You're just so damn insecure that you make yourself see shit that isn't even there! Excuse me for not being rude enough to ignore our waiter after he needed our attention and asked a question! I'm getting really sick of this jealousy shit! All you do is accuse me of messing with other men. Maybe I should if that's what you're gonna keep accusing me of doing!" Y/n stated angrily as she started pacing the room. Her ex walked up to her.

"I wish you would even try it," he growled, standing right in her face trying to use their height difference as an intimidation tactic.

His fists were balled up at his sides as if he was threatening to hit her. She just looked at him up and down like he was small wishing he would try with both of her arms folded across her chest. The couple stood there for a moment, not saying anything, before he broke the silence.

"I need some fresh air. Don't wait up!" he scolded before turning to leave the hotel room, slamming the door in the process.

Y/n only rolled her eyes at his childish antics. Y/n couldn't for the life of her understand why she put up with his shit for as long as she had. No one in her family liked him. Now that she was looking without eyes blinded by love, she could understand why. He was a complete jerk. It was right then and there that she decided she would end things once they returned to the US. She went to sleep deciding to deal with him later.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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