5. Tea Time

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Currently I'm rethinking my entire life while sitting on my bed.


Come to think about it, I did play a otome game named 'Black Skys' when I was at the hospital on earth.. and Eleanor Roosevelt was the villainess.

Wait? Could it be like those cliche reincarnated as the villainess books???


I kind of remember the storyline.. maybe. So the game starts off introducing the characters.

The first capture target was Ian. Ian was in Quarter High Academy when him and Eleanor first met. Ian was abused so to make his parents ever so slightly proud he studied, he studied until he was at the top of the class.

Ian was the lone wolf at the school, but many had a crush on him. Eleanor had no friends either since of her bratty behaviour, she never made any friends. She clung onto Ian in a desperate attempt in making friends and threw away his notebooks, textbooks ect saying she is 'helping him'. Ian found the heroine aka maddy in the library one day and thought she was a normal girl n never thought much of it until he found out his perfect test scores were matched up with maddy. They met again by coincidence and maddy healed his scares with her legendary light magic, which made Ian fall in love.

Eleanor found out Ian was in love with a commoner and bullied maddy, until Ian found out. The last screw snapped and he lead her into a dark alley way.. you can guess what happened (nothing dirty) yea and she was reported missing and never seen again.

Second capture target is no other than Eleanor's/My older brother Lane Roosevelt. He was adopted into the family and stole her father's attention that never existed, making Eleanor come to hate him. Lane found the heroine and fell in love because of her angelic personality, her beautiful looks ect. Eleanor found out and bet him into a deul. But after ignoring him for so long she didn't know his magical ability and he killed her in one shot. No one mourned her death, because no one liked her anyway.

Third was Lucas...?? I don't memorise surnames so I forgot. Surnames arent important anyway screw surnames. Not much is known about him but all that is is written in the novel. Lucas loved food more than anything, he had white hair, blue eyes, and ice magic. He met Eleanor at a party he was forced to go to at 7 years old, but there was food and that was all that mattered. His parents told him to greet Eleanor and he did with a fake smile plastered on his face. He just wanted to go home. He found the heroine at you guessed it Quater High Academy, at lunch. He was still hungry after demolishing his lunch so the heroine offered some of hers. This lead to Lucas falling in love with her.

Eleanor fell in love with lucas since the time he greeted her 8 years ago. So she was REALLY mad he loved a commoner, and she bullied maddy until he offered to take her to lunch. He cooked her and ate her at lunch for a snack. Lucas's route was the most disgusting but the most liked for some reason.

Ethan (forgot surname) was the fourth capture target. He had light purple hair, honey yellow eyes and was a soft guy. He met Eleanor in Quarter High Academy and Eleanor used to follow him around because... idk. The book Eleanor is very stupid. As time went on ethan fell in love with maddy. But since Eleanor was here she bullied the heroine to the point where she almost killed her.

Ethan found out and secretly put Poison on her food when she wasn't looking. That was ethans route and it was the most normal(?) To say the least or the most normal was Ians route.

5th capture target is Vincent. He was a playboy and really didn't care about his undeniably fast way to get a girlfriend and his other million ones. He only broke there hearts because he was a sadist. One day he found the heroine and challenged himself to break the heroines heart, but as a result he fell in love with maddy?

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