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 "As alpha of this pack, it's my job to do what's best for my pack." He folded his hands together onto of the desk and slowly raised his head to look at me. "I'm sending you away."


"Since you are not of legal age and nobody wants to take you in, I will be sending you away to live with your uncle."


I frowned at him. As far as I was aware, I had no other family. It had always just been Mom, Dad and me. There was never any talk about other family members.

"Your parents never mentioned him?"

I shook my head.

"I'm not surprised," Alpha Rowan muttered. "There's been some back blood between them for a few years now."

"And you want me to go live with him?"

His eyes narrowed. "He is the only one willing to take you in."

If there was bad blood between him and my parents, I was sure that I wouldn't be treated any better at his pack than I was being treated at my pack.

"I turn eighteen in a month," I told him.

"By law you need to stay with a legal adult until you are twenty-one. Those are the pack laws." He was silent for a few seconds. "I will not be breaking any more laws for you."

I flinched.

Those were one of the things he always said to my parents whenever they asked for something involving me. All pack members claimed that the alpha was breaking the rules to accommodate the pathetic human girl.

"I'm going to be honest with you, Cora." Alpha Rowan stood and walked around the desk to take a seat on the edge in front of me. "You're parents are dead. I find no need to keep you in my pack any longer. Ever since they brought you here, I've had nothing but trouble. My pack sees me as weak because I always have to break the rules for you."

If I could move, I would've run. He was looking at me with such malice.

"You have three days to pack your things," he said softly. "Everything you're not taking with you will be put in storage until you can collect it."



I hurriedly got to my feet and nearly tripped over my own feet. Just as my hand wrapped around the doorknob, he stopped me.


I slowly turned around to look at him.

"If anyone asks, not that they will, but if they do, you tell them that you are going to live with another pack. Don't mention anything about your uncle."

"Of course, alpha."

"Good girl."

I shuddered in disgust but tried my best to hide it. The last thing I wanted was to show any disrespect to my alpha. Like he pointed out, my parents were no longer there to protect me from punishment.

"I suggest you start packing right away."

Stepping out of the office, I took a moment to suck in a few deep breaths before I hurried out of the pack house.

I kept my head down, trying my best to avoid any eye contact. The last thing I wanted was to draw any unwanted attention towards myself.

"Look who it is!" A familiar voice called before I could slip into the treeline. "The orphaned human!"

I kept walking, but they had other plans.

Something hit me in the back of the head, making me stumble and drop to my knees. Pain shot through my knees, it lingered where the object had hit me in the back of the head.

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