Chapter thirty-three

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"He's- I want- Ochaco, how do I tell him? I keep acting like everything is normal but I'm dying inside!

While everyone else was panicking about finals coming up, I was taking the opportunity to let out my newfound crush panic out on Ochaco. "We still hang out and laugh and crap but now I feel like I'm going to explode every time we brush hands! Why do crush symptoms get so much worse AFTER the crush is realized?! Why can't it get better?!"

Ochaco patted my arm sympathetically. "It's going to be okay, you know."

"You have a crush on Midoriya, don't you? How do you deal with it?"

"U-uh, crush, what crush?"

I rolled my eyes. "You're a bad liar."

"I know." Ochaco sighed, resting her cheek on her fist. "...I guess I just suppress it most of the time."

"But I don't want to suppress it! I love it when he smiles and I adore his laugh and I love going places with him and-"

"You do know that you're the only one who he does that stuff with, right?" Ochaco giggled. "He barely talks to most of the class. You've had him over to your house."

"So? We're friends."

"Y/n, you're way more than friends."

"Best friends, then. If I ask for more I can ruin everything!"

"Nothing will be ruined."

The bell rang. Ochaco and I waited for Miroriya and Iida to catch up, switching the conversation to the topic of the practical tests as we sat down with our lunches. Shoto was quiet as he ate, just listening in on the conversation.

"Personally, I'm not too worried about the tests. Sure, it's mostly guesswork for me with quadratic functions, but English is a breeze thanks to Mom."

"What about your mom?" Hagakure questioned.

"She wanted a bilingual household. I speak a lot of English." I smiled, remembering Mom attempting to teach tiny, six year old me her own clumsy English. I think she was still taking lessons back then.

"So that's why you're so good at it! I thought I was just falling behind!"

I chuckled. "Yeah. The practical exam is what I'm worried about, really."

"On top of our physical studies, we have to keep in tip-top physical shape to- OUCH!" Midoriya's mumbling was cut off by a sharp elbow to the back of the head.

That blonde kid from class 1-B giggled. "Ah, sorry. My tray just couldn't get around that big head of yours."

I leapt to my feet, shoving my chair away as I pointed wildly. "Say that again, I fricking dare you."

"Oh, what are you going to do to me, miss high-and-mighty? I heard you all ran into the Hero Killer- was the sports festival not enough?"

"Oh, like we asked to run into a murderous serial killer. Bold of you to assume we have a death wish. You must, though, purposefully pissing me off."

"Oh, if that's the case-"

Class 1-B's representative, Kendo, walked over and smacked him over the back of the head.

"Sorry about him."

Iida blinked, staring down at her enlarged hand and Monoma's slumping form in half-admiration, half disapproval. "Y- While I appreciate you handling that, perhaps you can do it less violently? It's very unbecoming of a hero student to act in such a way!"

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