Steve/Bucky - Our Family (4)

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"Steve, I swear to fucking God ..." I growled.

"You're doing great, Elena." he chuckled.

"You're never touching me again." I argued as the pain ripped through my midsection.

"What about me?" Bucky asked.

"You either ... why isn't the epidural working?" I cried.

"The serum is burning it off." the doctor said.

"I can't ..."

"Yes, you can baby. You've got this." Bucky said as he got on the bed behind me.

"Buck ..." Steve warned as Bucky started rubbing my back.

"Mmm ... don't stop." I whimpered, dropping my head.

"Rest for a bit." Bucky said.

"I don't want a c-section." I sniffled.

"We know you don't, but it might be the safest for you and the babies." Steve sighed, passing me a cup of apple juice.

"I know. How much longer?" I asked.

"Soon ... give me a push, Elena, baby 1 is coming." she smiled.

"You've got this doll." Steve said, grabbing my hand.

"I've got this." I grimaced.

"Yes, you do." Bucky agreed as he pulled me against his chest. "You've got this, momma, bring our babies into the world."

I pushed as hard as the doctor and midwife told me to push, grabbing onto both of my men. Labor is as difficult as they make it out to be, especially for twins. I'm sweating, and the pain is nearly unbearable, but it's gonna give me my babies.

"Elena, there's the head of baby 1. Push!"

The first cries of my baby made all three of us cry. I let go of Steve's hand so he could stand up to cut the cord and hold our baby.

"A girl." he sniffled. "Hello Rebecca, I'm one of your daddies." he said, caressing her cheek.

The nurses all looked like they were going to cry watching Captain America with his first baby.

"You did it, doll." Bucky said as he kissed my cheek and got out from behind me to sit next to me as Steve brought Rebecca over to me.

"That's your mommy and your other daddy."

He laid her on my chest, and I just sobbed as I held her.

"We made a baby." I sniffled, kissing her cheek.

"You did all the work, honey." Steve said, leaning down to kiss me.

"Captain Rogers, we've gotta take the baby. You can come with us." One of the nurses said.


"Go, pal, I've got our girl." Bucky said.

"I'll be back."

They let Steve carry Rebecca out; he looked like he was floating on Cloud 9. Baby 2 came 28 minutes later, and I'm ready for this to be over.

"Baby, there's the head." Bucky said, all excited.

"Come on, Elena, a few big pushes, and we'll have baby 2." the doctor smiled at me.

Bracing down on the handlebars, I gritted my teeth, and after three big pushes, my second baby was wailing about their entry into this world.

"You've got a boy, Elena. Congratulations." she said, handing the baby to Bucky.

"Hi Aiden." he cried, holding the baby as if he were a live grenade.

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