Birth to 6 years old

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                                  I was born on May 4, 2009, to Gabriella navarro and Reuben Navarro in Riverside ca. My Mother turned 18 2 days before my birth my father was being deployed at the time so we lived with my mom's parents, and my dad's parents for 2 months since they lived a 5-minute drive from each other. Then we moved in with my dad in Texas somewhere around San Antonio and Memphis.

                                                   Then he got stationed somewhere else in Texas so we moved back in with my mom's parents for 3 months before moving in with my dad then he got stationed in El Paso and we stayed there for about 5 years in that span my brother Eric was born April 14 2012 and my brother Colin September 24 2013 in Texas we had a Huskey Named Apollo and a bearded dragon named Charizard I didn't name him my parents did Charizard is both their favorite Pokemon I didn't know what Pokemon was at the time a Tortise which I don't remember her name then my brother Kaleb who was born January 10 2015 then we moved back to riverside with my dads parents after we sold the house and my dad had to go to Korea for a year 

My dad's parents have a cat named Stormymoo my uncle wanted Moo and my parents wanted Stormy she is a couple of months older than me so she filled in the spot of sadness because we had to give away Apollo and Charizard and our tortoise died a year prior I got to go swimming with my godparents who lived a street up from my dad's parents Then my birthday came around.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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