Chapter 42

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Yoriichi was leaning against a wall as he watched Shizune heal Jiraiya. The situation was like it went cannon when Tsunade poisoned him but it was much stronger this time. It would take Shizune a whole day to get it out of Jiraiya's system. Knowing what was going on right now, if the vibrations and the sound he was picking up were any clues. Yoriichi turned to Naruko who stood beside him.

Yoriichi: Let's put your training to the test.


The night sky held no stars in it only pitch black emotionless colour. The winds were blowing at a dangerous level. Some even saw dark greyish clouds moving, trying to devour the empty black sky. Tsunade didn't have time to move out of the way of the kunai as she was trying to heal herself. Kabuto's attack was spot-on and precise.

Kabuto jumped back as a smoke bomb went off in front of him. As the smoke cleared Naruko stood between him and Tsunade.

Naruko: Yo.

Orochimaru: Well this is unexpected. 

Kabuto looked at Naruko with narrow eyes.

Kabuto: I had not taken into account the arrival of 

Naruko: Well they do call be unpredictable for a reason.

Tsunade: What are you doing here gaki?

Tsunade questioned her as she healed herself. She had not expected anyone to show up. Naruko glanced at her.

Naruko: I had heard you were labelled as the strongest kunoichi in history but not that much from what I saw.

Tsunade felt her eyebrow twitch at her words. She was finally healed as she stood up straight.

Tsunade: Step aside. 

Naruko: You had your turn now it's mine.

Tsunade: This is not a game!

Naruko: I never said it was!

The two began to argue with each other. While Orochimaru held a bit of wisdom Kabuto did not.

Kabuto: Th-

Naruko/Tsunade: Shut the hell up!!

Hence the sound of shinobi was made the centre of attention of the two female humans. Orochimaru did not pit his subordinate who was on the receiving end, it was his fault after all. 

Tsunade: Fine then I'll take on Orochimaru.

Naruko: Hey! What with the switching opponents?!

Tsunade: What now the problem!?

Naruko: You had an opponent and you lost! That means you're out!

Tsunade: That's not how it works!!

Naruko and Tsunade were arguing back and forth again. Kabuto learnt his lesson the first time and no matter how much Orochimaru was getting annoyed he wouldn't dare to get in between two arguing women especially when both of them were Uzumaki's.

Tsunade: OK! Who's his opponent!!?

Tsunade pointed at Orochimaru as she glared at Naruko who glared back just as heatedly. 

Suddenly lighting flashed as thunder roared. Chills ran down Orochimaru's spine as his bones shivered like they were plunged into ice-cold water. His eyes widened as his instincts at him.

Naruko: He is.

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