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AN: I am so sorry for the delay! I was out of town for work all week and its been crazy. The new TTPD set on the tour?! So jealous. Enjoy this chapter of fluff :)

February 21st, 2024

Travis's POV:

The ping of an incoming text is the first thing I register as I wake up to the bright sun pouring over my face from the small window I forgot to shut. I let out a groan and shift on the couch from where I was sleeping and see Ross still sleeping in the recliner next to me. Reaching over to the small table where I had put my phone when I laid down I see a few missed texts from my family and one from Taylor.

Jason: Have fun in Australia, pet something exotic for me! Oh- and tell Tay we miss her.

Mom: Be safe and tell Tay we said hi.

Taylor: I woke up super early, I guess the anticipation of you being with me today in Australia was too much for my sleep schedule lol

Travis: You need your sleep sweetie, big shows this weekend. I just woke up and it looks like we have only a couple more hours until we land. Can't wait to see you.

Taylor: I can't wait to see you either. I'm going to go to the gym to kill some time before you get here. It's really hot here, so prepare yourself. 

Travis: I'm sure it will feel good after the winter in KC. Have a good workout :)

I put my phone down on the couch and stand to stretch out my back after sleeping for the last 12 hours straight. If there is one thing about me, it's that I can sleep anywhere and anytime. I do a few lunges to stretch out my legs and walk over to the mini fridge grabbing an accelerator (that I know is only stocked for me) and a pre-made yogurt and fruit bowl. Once we land in Sydney, I need to do whatever I can to avoid jet lag, so I am going to switch my body into thinking its breakfast time as it's 6:00am in Australia. 

"How are you eating yogurt right now? I feel like it should be lunch or dinner time." Ross groans from the chair. I look up and see him scowling at me and scrubbing a hand over his face. 

"Because it's 6:00am in Sydney, so I am trying to adjust to the timezone we are about to land in." I say finishing off the bowl. 

"Why do I feel like we aren't going to have a relaxing day once we get there?" He asks as he goes over to the fridge and pulls out an accelerator and a protein bar. 

"I mean you can chill at the hotel if you want, but I am pretty sure Tay wants to go back to the Zoo. She went yesterday with Sabrina and her crew, and she kept telling me about how I just needed to see the red pandas and kangaroos? I don't know man, but if she wants to go to the Zoo, I'll be at the Zoo." 

"You are so whipped man." He says laughing. 

"Happily so. I gotta soak up as much time that I can before we leave in two days. I know we are flying to Singapore in a bit but still." 

"I can't believe we are going to do two transatlantic flights in two weeks. Amanda and André are coming with us to Singapore right?" Ross asks. 

"Yeah, then they are going on another vacation right after? I don't know, but Tay and I are headed back to LA for the Oscar's after party." I say looking at my calendar which is quickly filling up between a few short vacations, gala's, tv show shoots, and a few other events that I am sure will pop up all before Tay goes back on tour in May. 

"When are you going to put a ring on that girl? The boys and I have adopted her like our sister, and I know I've never seen you happier." He asks a little while later as we sit in the recliners watching a repeat episode of Friends. 

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