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Jungkook moves closer to the doll and chuckles as it seemed to still be in a good condition. "Cool..", Jungkook muttered and grabbed the doll gently.

He stood up slowly and walked over to his bicycle while holding the pain in his leg. He walks back home with the doll and bicycle while noticing that it was getting dark.

When he came home, he noticed his father was being drunk and his mother was making dinner in the kitchen. He heads to his room right away and sets the doll on the bed.

Jungkook sat down on the bed and could hear the thunder outside, realizing that it was going to rain.

Without him knowing, the doll's head turned slightly, facing him and Jungkook turned around. He frowned and ignored the doll. He walks to his closet to grab some clothes to change and hears footsteps behind him.

Jungkook turned around and noticed that the doll was missing on the bed while it was starting to scare him.

"Yah! Jeon Jungkook! Get down here and have your dinner!".

Jungkook hears his mother calling him and went down right away. The doll appeared on top of the shelves after Jungkook walks out of the room.

Jungkook was taking his food when his father pushed him away, causing him to drop his plate and it broke in pieces.

"Hey! Don't be such a idiot! Now you're breaking my plates!", Mrs Jeon said and Jungkook quickly clears the broken plate.

Mr Jeon steps out of the kitchen and notices a doll in the corner, making him frowned. "What the fuck?", Mr Jeon muttered and grabbed a bottle of beer. Mr Jeon turned to corner and the doll was gone.

Jungkook helps to clean the area and made sure that it was clean before taking the food.

Mrs Jeon hits him on the head with her own hands and said, "Don't be such an troublesome kid.". Jungkook sighed and starts taking his food before heading back to his room.

Jungkook starts eating his dinner in his room when he sees the doll back on the bed and seemed curious. He shuts the door and turns to look at the doll.

"What the hell..", Jungkook muttered and went back to eating his dinner.

After a long day, Jungkook fell asleep on the bed after his dinner when his mother came in the room to take his plate. "Aish! This boy! Don't even know how to send his plate down and do the dishes..", Mrs Jeon complained.

As Mrs Jeon was clearing the plate, she noticed a doll on the chair and frowned.

The doll turned its head slightly, facing Mrs Jeon, causing her to feel surprised.

"You hurt Jungkook again, I'm coming after you, bitch.".

Mrs Jeon was surprised to hear the doll talked and ran down the stairs in panic.

Jungkook woke up upon hearing the sounds and noticed that the doll was still sitting on the chair. He sees that there was nothing wrong and went back to sleep.

The Next Day..

Mrs Jeon was cleaning the house when she hears Jungkook coming down from the stairs and went over to approach him.

Jungkook approached his mother when he got slapped in the face, making him confused about what he did.

"That's for trying to scare me last night! You do that again, I'll kill you!", Mr Jeon yelled.

"I never do anything last night! I was sleeping!", Jungkook said and Mrs Jeon told him about the doll talking to her last night.

Jungkook frowned in confusion, hearing that the doll spoke to his mother when he was asleep.

"Don't lie that you were sleeping! What a idiot you are!", Mrs Jeon said and walked away into the kitchen.

Jungkook went back up to his room and noticed the doll while he carried the doll, leaving the house right away.

Jungkook cycled to a nearby park and found a spot for him to put the doll back. "Something is not right..", Jungkook muttered.

Jungkook sets the doll near the tree and decided to leave when..

"Are you going to leave me here alone?".

Jungkook turned around and realized that the doll was standing up while talking to him.

"You can't leave me here.. I can be your friend.".

"You are talking? What the hell..", Jungkook said and felt the chills around him.

"Come on, Jungkook. Don't be afraid. I want to help you.".

Jungkook drops to the ground in shock and sees the doll walking towards him.

"What do you want from me?", Jungkook asked.

"Nothing. I just want to help you by being your friend.".

Jungkook shook his head and said, "You are not real.".

The doll got closer to Jungkook and kneels down in front of him.

"I can be real. If you let me help you.".

Jungkook shook his head and took off running. He got on his bicycle and starts cycling back home.

Jungkook parked his bicycle near the garage and went in the house when he sees his mother and father arguing back and forth.

"Get your ass away from my face, woman! I will hit you if I have to.", Mr Jeon yelled.

Mrs Jeon smacked her husband right away and Mr Jeon hits so hard across the face, causing her to fall. He got on top of her and continued to smack her multiple times.

"Appa! Stop!", Jungkook shouted.

Mr Jeon pushed Jungkook away and continued to hit Mrs Jeon until her face was all bruised.

"Get away from her, Appa!", Jungkook cried out and tried to push his father away when his father slammed him against the wall.

Jungkook felt the pain in his back when he noticed something by the door. The doll...

"Let me help, Jungkook.".

Jungkook could hear the doll's voice in his head and wanted to react but his father grabbed him.

"You stupid kid! I will end you for ruining my time!", Mr Jeon said and was choking Jungkook in the neck.

"N-No.. S-Stop..", Jungkook muttered weakly.


Jungkook sees the doll holding a bottle of beer and smashed it on his father's head, knocking him out cold.

"Do you trust me now, Jungkook?".

The Doll (NamKook FF) Where stories live. Discover now