1 more hour.

4 0 0

I click at the message sent by the anonymous person.


"Hello? Who is this?"

"Someone you don't need to know."

"If you don't tell me your name, you are getting blocked."


"Jeff? YOUR name is JEFF?"

"Got a problem?"

At that time, the immature I was. I actually thought it was THE Jeff the killer. But obviously no.. he doesn't exist in real life, right?

"No, I was just a bit dumbfounded."

"Yeah. Anyways. What is your name?"

"My name is *my irl name*"

"Pretty name for a pretty girl."

"You haven't even seen me before."

"Brown hair, brown eyes. Wearing a pink top and white shorts, right now."


Was this guy stalking me? What the heck was happening. I didn't have any social media, except TikTok. But I've never shown my face on TikTok.. was this one of my friends playing a prank on me?

"How did you know what I was wearing?"

"Don't ask questions, darling."

"Weird but okay."

I was getting creeped out by these messages, more by the second. A part of me wanted to block him, and the other part didn't.

"Anyways, I have to go."

"Bye then. See you next time."

What the heck was happening. I was losing my mind...

Creepy experienceWhere stories live. Discover now