Investigations Begin

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Sunny and her friends had never seen such an elegant place before... other than the Crystal Brighthouse or the palace of Zephyr Heights. Ms. Lenoir seemed so confident and proud, and Lena seemed to be happy working for her... but in Misty's eyes, it somehow reminded her of Opaline back in Equestria.

Could Opaline have had something to do with the laughter she heard on the way to Moonscar Island? She herself wasn't sure... but she knew she'd have to keep an eye on things while they were in this new environment.

Currently, Pipp, Zipp and Hitch decided to stay with Fred, Velma and Daphne to look around the house, while Sunny and the unicorns stuck with Shaggy and Scooby to check out the kitchen. Upon entering the room, Scooby noticed three to four small bowls on the floor, filled with brown mush when he sniffed them. "Cat food... yuck!"

"Forget the cat food, Scoob. There's a lot better chow in this kitchen!" Shaggy gestured to the steaming hot pot on the stove, to which the ponies smelled-- they had never smelled anything so good before. "Mmm... it smells great!" Sunny said to Lena as the latter prepared lemonade for the others. "It's gumbo, isn't it?"

"You do know your food," Lena said with a smile. "Shag and Scooby may have traveled the world on their stomachs," Izzy explained, "but Sunny is a food-whiz back where we come from. Is it okay if we have a little taste? I don't think I've ever had gumbo before."

"Of course not. Let me know how you like it!" Lena said before she walked out of the room. Shaggy found some small bowls to sample the gumbo, and the ponies and Scooby ate from them as Shaggy used the spoon to take a small taste test. "Like, not bad," he smiled at the combination of flavors, "but it needs a little more spice. Don't you think, Scoob?"

"Uh-huh!" Scooby downed his gumbo, leaving some of it on his lips as he grinned. "Here, let me get that for you, you messy mongrel," Sunny teased playfully, using a napkin to wipe Scooby's face as Izzy opened the pantry door for Shaggy, who came out with a small jar of hot peppers. "These puppies oughta do the trick!"


Meanwhile, Zipp and Pipp flew around the room, taking pictures while Lena served lemonade to everyone down below. "Mmm! Delicious lemonade, Lena!" Fred complimented. "Why, thank you," Lena set the tray down. "So," Daphne started, "how long have you worked for--"

Suddenly, a scream a couple rooms over caught the group's attention, which caused Velma to gasp. "The guys!" she cried, and they ran to the kitchen to see Misty and Izzy carefully handing the boys every drink they could find to cool down their mouths. "Ahh..." Shaggy sighed after finishing an entire jug of water. "Like, what was some hot pepper..."

"Those are Moonscar Island peppers," Lena giggled, and Shaggy then noticed the entire group glancing down at them with slight relief. "I was not exaggerating when I said they were the hottest peppers in Louisiana," Ms. Lenoir said with a smile. "With all the screaming," Zipp said, "we thought you may have seen a ghost!"

"If we do, you'll be the first to know," Misty said as Lena began to sweep up some broken glass pieces from the pitcher Scooby accidentally broke. "Sorry about the interruption, Ms. Lenoir," Pipp apologized. "Please," Ms. Lenoir said, "call me Simone. Shall we continue our tour of the house?"

"Great, Miss... uh, Simone!" Daphne grabbed Fred's hand and dragged him out of the room, followed by Hitch and Pipp, and Zipp and Velma spared them a glance before following. "Maybe you guys should stay away from those peppers," Velma said as they exited the room. "Right," Shaggy nodded. "We'll just stick with the gumbo. If you don't mind, Lena."

"Of course not," Lena said as she picked up the bag with the glass pieces and walked out of the room. "I'm glad you like it-- help yourselves!"

Shaggy and Scooby just smiled before they noticed the group was completely gone. Then Shaggy brought out a pepper and held it towards Scooby, smirking playfully. "Come on, I dare ya."

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