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After dinner, their camp leader gathered them all around the fire. Jiwoo sat in between Jungwon and Sooyun who was next to Sunghoon. Beomgyu and his friends were sat on the opposite side of the fire.

"Alright! We're going to go around to play some ice breakers. Let's start with you!"

The leader pointed at a boy with bright blue hair that made him stand out from others.

"Ah, alright." He beamed a smile, "I'm Felix, I'm 17 and I just moved here from Australia"

"Very nice, must be quite a change. You next" the camp leader pointed at the boy on the right of Felix.

"Oh- I'm Ryujin and I love to dance" the girl smiled charismatically.

"I'm Yeonjun, and I practically know every kpop dance" Yeonjun then said next, and a lot of 'oohs' were heard around the circle.

"I'm Kazuha, and I've done ballet practically all my life" Kazuha said

"I'm Chaewon, I'm 17 and my hobby is singing" Chaewon giggled.

"I'm Beomgyu and.." he trailed off momentarily, "I met a girl I like today."

Everyone began making 'ooh' sounds as they looked around at potential girls that Beomgyu could be interested in.

Eventually it got around to Sunghoon.

"I'm Sunghoon, I'm 17 and I figure skate" Sunghoon calmly said.

"I'm Sooyun, and I love covering kpop dances" Sooyun introduced herself.

"You and Yeonjun should have a dance off later!" Someone mentioned and everyone hummed in agreement.

"I'm Jiwoo, and I love to do karaoke" Jiwoo said, she felt like she didn't have as much of an interesting fact about herself like other people but it was all that she could give.

"I'm Jungwon and I'm a black belt in taekwondo" Jungwon said.

After everyone had introduced themselves, they talked in their small new formed friendship groups while roasting marshmallows. As our four were talking, a familiar outstanding blue haired boy approached them.

"Hey guys, our cabin is having some people over later tonight for some drinks. We brought a few bottles of vodka" Felix said, "I'd love if you guys and the others from your cabin came along"

Their eyes practically shone at the mention of alcohol, and Felix chuckled.

"We'll be there" Jungwon replied.


It was past lights out, and the eight teenagers followed behind each other with Jungwon in the front with a small flashlight to lead the way to felix's cabin. He softly knocked on the door and one of felix's friends answered the door.

"Cmon in, quickly!" Jeongin hushed as they all scuttled in.

It was quite surprising how they managed to fit so many people into such a small cabin.

"You made it!" Felix stated, clearly tipsy, "knock yourselves out over there"

He pointed at the table with cups and the bottles of spirit.

Tonight was going to be a very long night.

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