The Demon and the Guardian

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The Demon and the Guardian

Ra's Al Ghul glared at the hidden box in the corner, he could tell just from sight that it was empty, meaning either all of the Miraculouses were in use or, more likely, the Guardian knew he was here.

"Doesn't anyone in your family know to visit during the day?" Asked Marinette, as she entered the room.

Ra's turned his glare onto the Guardian, as she frowned at him. Marinette took a step to the side, dodging Talia's lunge.

"I see and hear everything that happens in this house, did you seriously hope to ambush me in my own home?!" Demanded Marinette, before snapping her fingers.

Talia gasped as she found herself in a plush armchair, while Ra's kept glaring.

"I don't see why two Guardians can't have a civilized conversation without having to rely on violence." Said Marinette, leaning back in her chair.

"I'm surprised you even recognised me as a Guardian, Mrs. Agreste." Said Ra's, his glare only deepening.

"Honesty, are all of you exactly like Su-Han?" Asked Marinette, her eyebrows raised, and tone exasperated.

"No, I just don't like interlopers." Said Ra's, making Marinette grimace.

"I can see where Damien gets his attitude." Said Marinette, leaning forwards and opening a book, "I know about you from the Temple's archives, Ra's Al Ghul, taken from his family around the same time and Wang Fu, believed that the Miraculous should be used to control the world, departed the order when you realised you weren't going to get anywhere, founded the League of Assassins and then capitalised on the vacuum of power when the Temple fell, I assume that the Order's been giving you some trouble?"

Ra's glared at her, as Marinette smirked and closed the Tome.

"I'm going to give you the same answer as I gave the Justice League and all the other heroes and villians kicking around the globe," Said Marinette, her face impassive, "Paris, is my turf. You stay out of it and I don't invade your turf."

"I was under the impression that 'Hawkmoth' had been neutralised." Said Ra's, making Marinette scowl.

"The Order's informed me that the Butterfly has been stolen." Said Marinette, frowning, "They don't know who it was, but it was someone who knew the layout and general security of the Temple."

Ra's grunted, already seeing how little the order had changed, "And, yet you keep the miracle box in this room."

Marinette snorted, "Don't be ridiculous, Ra's, that is a fake, a decoy to prevent anyone from looking any further."

Ra's didn't react, only tilting his head when there was a loud thump.

"Expecting guests?" Asked Ra's, as there was another thump.

"No." Said Marinette, opening the door.

There was a man with a foot long beard with blood running from his eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Marinette flicked the man on the nose, and he vanished in a puff of orange smoke.

"The black cat miraculous is to be given to Damien." Said Talia, getting a growl from Marinette, "It's current wielder is unworthy-"

Talia gasped for air as she felt a lump form in her air ways.

"Let's get something clear," Snarled Marinette, thunder rolling, "you do not command me in who, or what, receives a Miraculous, especially since I've given all the Kwami permission to kill anyone who's stolen or is using a Miraculous for their own ends, and I assure you, Damien Wayne will never wield a Miraculous as long as I still draw breath."

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