The Dead Guy

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The Dead Guy

Jason grunted as Ryuko kicked him in the chest. The heroine using him as a springboard to get to higher ground than him. The woman was around Dick's age, but had the temperament of Bruce on a bad day. Jason absently acknowledged Adrien dropping onto a ledge.

"Ryuko, I thought we all agreed to keep sparring inside the base." Said Chat, his chin resting on his knee.

"I thought you were helping your wife." Bit Ryuko, folding her arms.

"She got fed up with me waiting on her hand and foot." Shrugged Chat, his leather ears twitching into different directions.

"Can you actually hear through those things?" Asked Jason, examining the ears.

"Yup, I can see in the dark too."


Chat dodged something, before snapping his fingers and throwing a black, stormy, ball away from him. Ryuko was suddenly beside him, lightning running along the blade of her sword.

"Anubis?" Questioned Ryuko, as a sudden burst of air nearly knocked the three to the floor.

Chat waved his hand, the wind stopping. He walked over to a wall and pulled a sickle out of the wall, "Or one of his subordinates."


Chat and Ryuko landed on the room across from Adrien and Marinette's home, while Jason drove onto the driveway. Adrien ran up to the front door and scrambled to get his key into the lock. The door swung open, revealing Chloé staring at them.

"What the fuck's gotten into you?"

Adrien rushed past Chloé, leaving the woman to stare after him. He skidded to a stop, staring at Marinette, who had her head in her hands, and Damian, who was wearing make-up, with Emma clambering over her uncle, humming a little tune.

Marinette slowly raised her head, before quickly depositing it back in her hands. A mix of a whine and a laugh snuck out of Marinette's mouth.

Jason froze at Damian's new look, "Hey, Demon Spawn, trying out new looks?"

"Not a word gets to father, Todd." As Emma decided to draw whiskers on Damian's cheeks.

There was a flash, followed by a shutter sound as Chloé took a picture of the pair. Marinette looked at the group of four, before scowling at Jason.

"Jason," Started Marinette, "I believe I made it clear that weapons are to be left at the door."

Adrien suddenly shook his head, "One of Anubis's lackeys appeared tonight."

Marinette stiffened, before standing up, "Damian, stay with Emma. Emma, you're doing great sweetie."

Emma beamed, as Marinette left the room and closed the door.

"What do you mean 'one of Anubis's lackeys appeared tonight'?" Demanded Marinette, staring at her husband.

"The one with the sickles," Responded Adrien, "I think they were watching Ryuko and Hood."

"But they only appear in the presence of death, or someone surrounded by death."

"What about someone who's been brought back from the dead?"

The Miraculous holders all looked at Jason, who was staring at the floor.

"Brought back how?" Asked Marinette, "Because there's multiple ways, the Pagan Deities, the Kwami, Celestial and Primordial beings and witches can resurrect the dead, so you need to give me more to work on here."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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