Why us?

14 2 3

"We gotta get out of here guys" I whisper, the group collectively nodded

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"We gotta get out of here guys" I whisper, the group collectively nodded. June was to my right, James to my left. Betty and Daisy on the other side of us.

We were all so still, as we walked toward something that looked like an exit. This guy was after me and my friends.

"Come on out" they call, "I know you are in here!" I can hear the smirk on their faces. It angers me so much.

I slowly take the bat in my hands, ready to swing, my friends do the same with their weapons they found in the house. I did a silent count down of when we were going to attack them.

"1 2 3" we all jump out and run at him, "come here motherfucker!" I yell, as I swing my bat at their head. Of course they dodge it. James got a hit in, but he has a knife.

Soon it looks like he's wounded, we all make a run for it. "Come on! We gotta go" I encourage them to run faster.

"Are we all good?" James asks, i look around for everyone. They were all panting, Betty and Daisy were bent over catching their breath.

"I ..... I think, i got ....... stabbed" June whispered, as she looked down and removed her hand from her stomach. My eyes widened. I ran over to her, I took off my flannel.

"Hey, hey, you're gonna be okay" i told her, i held the fabric to her wound. She shook her head, her blonde hair shaking off her shoulders. Her bright blue eyes, now have lost their spark.

"Lexi," her eyes pleaded on mine, there were tears starting to form in hers. My eyes started to tear up as well.

"No you're going to be okay," I say, James comes over to help me take her to the car. "Junie, you gotta stay with me"

"Lex, i i love you" June whispered, the tears rolling down her face.

"No! No you're not dying on me" I say, we had stopped walking cause she had no energy left. We slowly laid her down on the ground. "Betty, call an ambulance" I cry out.

"Lexie, lis listen to me" June pleaded with me, i didn't want to hear what she had to tell me. She wasn't going to die. "I love you, okay?" she held my cheek in her hands, the color was slowly draining from her face.

"I love you too, but what about the kitten? The shop? Our plans" i was full on balling now. June was now coughing up blood. "You can't leave me too," I cried.

"Lex, you have to, i don't think I'll make it till the ambo gets h here." James came up behind me.

"Come on. Let's get you to the car" Jame said he too had tears in his eyes, and picked me up. I just cried into his chest.

"James, why is it always us?" 

✧˚ · . Marina speaks!

Sad day 😞

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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