37| Roxine

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A month rolled by quicker than I had anticipated, expected and reality was coming at me. It was hard to fall at asleep at first. I couldn't sleep with the fear that I would wake up from this sweet dream to see Lana gone from the mansion like before.

It was hard when she left the house for even an hour. I had talked to my new therapist about it and he said it was okay to be afraid of loosing the ones we loved at some point but it was good that I was communicating it with him and seeking help rather than resulting to my own brain for answers and actions which would have turned toxic at a point in time.

But it was hard. I tried though and I was liking the results. I didn't want to scare her away this time. Not again. Not in this chance and lifetime. This time I wasn't letting her go.

I slowly pushed her door open. I was on my to the kitchen to get water because my jar was empty and I needed a cold glass since I was feeling hot.

She was bundled in the sheets, the pale light from the moon illuminated her room. It was funny seeing her so tiny and bundled in thick blankets like a big baby. I got closer and found her jar filled with water. I smiled and carefully poured a glass.

She rolled over and the blankets fell off and  revealed her face.

I sat next to her bed and watched the woman who was far away in a dream. Did she dream of me?.

She looked so peaceful , so deep in slumber.

I placed my head on the headboard and watched her. She rolled over one time and draped her arms over my legs.

I froze afraid I'd wake her.up if I moved so I stayed still till my eyes felt heavy.

I felt someone poking me.

I frowned irritated that someone was disturbing my sleep. Then I suddenly jolted awake. I almost fell of the bed.

" Would you mind telling me how you ended up here, Roxine?" I rubbed the blur from my eyes. Lana was staring at me funnily.

" I- I," I stuttered. I had been feeling a lot shy lately around her.

I moved and the movies never felt so wrong. My whole body ached. What was I expecting after sleeping in such a position.

" What do you say to a day of going to the spa?" She giggled and got up. I averted my gaze. She was in a fluffy light blue short pants and a tank top.

" Roxine!" I jumped.

" Huh,?, what did you say?" I cleared my throat.

" Would you like to accompany me to the spa today?" She disappeared into the bathroom.

" If that's what you'd like ." I could hear her giggling discreetly.

How was my answer funny?.

She peeked out of the bathroom and raised her brows.

" What?"

" Aren't you going to get ready?"

I jumped out of the bed but winced and scurried out of the room like I just saw my childhood crush.

I could hear her laughing at me.

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