First Mission

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Church smirked as he sharped all four of his blades, today marked the day of his first mission. He repressed a shutter; it wasn't his mission exactly, it was his team's first mission, big difference. 'I guess I shouldn't bitch too much, it still gets me away from Beacon.'

A dry chuckle escaped his lips, it was funny, during his time in Blood Gulch he had steadfastly refused fighting, going out of his way to avoid it, now it was his lifeline. He stuffed his daggers back into their sheaths, instead focusing on his sickles. 'Maybe, it's because I have to deal with annoying assholes all fucking day.'

He shoved Caboose's Retribution into the sheath on his back, taking to sharpening Tucker's Vengeance instead. The blade gleamed, reflecting the image of a supersoldier in cobalt armor . He blinked his eyes as the image of a doe eyed girl stared back at him, replacing the soldier. Scowling, he shoved the blade into its sheath.

"You okay, Church?" The AI shoved past his partner, slamming Qrow into the wall, his hands curled into fists; white knuckles signified just how tightly they were clenched. "Woah, you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today or something? Actually, you are kinda always angry or pissed off at someone-" Caboose's Retribution swept over his head, cutting off whatever remained of Qrow's sentence.

Raven jabbed her elbow into her brother's side as the chain yanked the blade back to the hilt. Church swiftly put it away before leaving the room. He couldn't feel a trace of his good mood; it had all been ruined in literally the blink of an eye.

Hot humid air greeted him. 'God damn it, I hate this weather. Would it really be to much to fucking ask for a cold crisp day instead of this bullshit?' With a groan, he threw the hood of his cloak over his head and face; the shade brought slight comfort to him.

Trudging through the school grounds, he made his way to the landing pads where he could see a young man fiddling with a backpack. Not fooled by his age, Church identified him as the Huntsman that would be accompanying his team, as well as the other team that would be joining them. Team TEAL, Church hadn't had the displeasure of running into them yet. Topaz Sky, Ebony Basil, Azura Edaria, and Lilac Castle were about on par with STRQ, if the class scores were anything to go off of.

Church twisted his head, looking for signs of his teammates but the twins hadn't followed him out. He blew a strand of hair out of his eyes and sighed, knowing they would take a while, because for some reason they had no sense of time. Alpha settled for leaning against the Bullhead in the shade that its "wings" gave off, feeling the miniscule change in temperature.

He closed his silver eyes, listening as the birds flew about in the spare trees, the roar as a Bullhead took off on an opposite landing pad, and the clatter of a pair of feet walking towards him. "Are you one of the members of team STRQ or TEAL?"

Alpha peaked one of his eyes open, staring at the admittedly skinny Huntsman. "Uh huh, I'm the leader of team STRQ."

The huntsman hummed. "Ah, that makes you Summer Rose. I've heard a lot about you."

"Clearly not enough." A look from the Huntsman had him continue. "I'm Church Rose, not Summer."

The Huntsman brought out his scroll, looking through a short list before humming disinterestedly. "Yes... I'll change that."

Church flipped him off. "Sure you will, fucker." He turned his attention away from the Huntsman, instead to his scroll which coincidentally had a recent text from Qrow.

'Rae and I will be there in a couple minutes, don't kill the Huntsman without me.'

A part of the AI crawled at the fact he was so predictable, but the large whole of him just didn't give a damn. 'Whatever man, just get your asses over here.' He exited the conversation with Qrow, seeing if he could bug anyone like he would with Tucker when he got bored, except with that came the realization that he didn't have anyone like that. Hell! He only had three contacts; Ruka, Qrow, and Raven. He hadn't given Tai his contact info because... that was kinda self explanatory.

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