~Chapter 3: Jealousy~

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(Daniel's POV:)

The next day, I woke up by the alarm feeling guilty. "Why did I just leave her the second we got there? Why didn't I just continue chasing after?" I spoke in my mind as I got ready for my first day of school.

A few minutes later I headed to the kitchen to eat breakfast with my mom. "Why are you wearing glasses inside? Are you hiding something from me?" My mom asked me worried. "No, it's nothing Ma-" I said back hoping she wouldn't find out. I was wearing sunglasses to hide my black eye from yesterday when the guy hit me, I think his name was Johnny.

"Nonsense, take off your glasses. Now!" My mom said as she raised her voice. "Fine, fine." I said as I took them off and as I rolled my eyes. "Oh my! What happened to your eye!" She said concerned as she stood up and walked towards me. "It's nothing Ma, I just fell off my bike when I went to the beach party and I accidentally hit my eye on a curb. It doesn't hurt, alright, I'm gonna head to school now!" I lied as I put my glasses back on. "Alright whatever you say" My mom said back.

I felt bad about y/n for what happened yesterday. She seemed really upset when she ran, I wanted to walk with her to school, but I promised Ali to walk with her to school, so I headed to her house.

(Y/n POV:)

I quickly ate breakfast and went to Daniel apartment hoping to walk with him to school, despite what happened yesterday. I knocked on the door and his mother answered. "Oh hello, y/n, what leads you here?" His mother asked. "Oh uh is Daniel inside? Yesterday he said we could walk to school, together." I said. "Oh sorry sweetheart, but he headed out to school a few minutes ago already." His mother apologized. "Oh.. it's fine I guess, it's nice meeting you Mrs. LaRusso." I said a bit upset, I knew he was gonna walk Ali to school. "You too, have a nice day at school." She said back.

As I arrive to school, I notice Daniel wrapping his arm around Ali. It obviously seemed like he walked her to school instead of me, I sigh. I quickly walk into the building until I hear someone call my name. "Hey y/n! Sorry about yesterday and this morning. I promised Ali that I'd walk with her, I promise I'll walk with you tomorrow." Daniel said apologizing. "Oh it's fine, I'll see you in class or lunch. Bye." I said back. "Bye y/n!" He replied. Was I jealous? Of course I was. I've had a crush him ever since I met him yesterday.

Me being to lost in my thoughts I accidentally bump into Johnny. "Hey watch where you're going!" He says angrily. I rolled my eyes and run to my first class, not bothering to stop by my locker.

I sit at my seat, seeing Daniel stand in the front of the room introducing himself. "Alright thank you Daniel, you may go sit next to y/n." The teacher said as she pointed at me. "Thanks." Daniel said back while he sat next to me. "Hey y/n, you still seem upset." Daniel said. "No, I'm fine, it's nothing." I said looking away from him. He kept asking me about why I was upset, but I couldn't tell him, he obviously liked Ali. I couldn't just confess. Once he changed the subject we started to quietly laugh. Dang he was funny though.. but at the corner of my eye I see Ali staring at us angrily. But I just ignored it and continued to talk to Daniel. After class, he walked me to my class and then he headed off to his.

(Time Skip to Lunch)
As I walk to the cafeteria to get my food, I headed into the lunch line. I was looking around to see if Daniel was there, but then my eyes stop to see Daniel and Ali kissing...I was shocked, they were officially dating..I wanted to cry but I just couldn't. I would've made a fool out of myself.

After I got my lunch, Daniel walked up to me, but immediately walked the opposite direction and sat an empty table. Daniel continued to walk towards me and said, "Why are you avoiding me all of a sudden? We were having such a good time at first period. Is it because you saw me kiss Ali?" I just stayed quiet and ignored him, while I opened my juice carton.

"ANSWER ME Y/N!" He yelled in my ear. I jumped and almost spilt orange juice on myself. "What's your problem! I don't wanna talk right now." I said annoyed. "The f*cking problem is that you're not answering my questions!" He yelled again. "If you really wanna know why, it's because ever since I met you I've had a crush on you! And now you're dating Ali, who is my sh*tty ex-best friend! You happy now!?" I yelled back and started to run out of the cafeteria.

He stopped me from running by grabbing my arm. "Y/n I'm sorry, I never knew you liked me. I'm sorry, I only like you as a friend, since we just met and I also never knew that Ali was your ex-best friend. I never meant to hurt you." Daniel said apologetically. "Yeah, I know you only liked me as a friend, if you liked me you would've never kissed Ali, YOU DON'T HAVE TO RUB IT IN MY FACE DANIEL LARUSSO!" I said slowly raising my voice. I ran immediately to the bathroom and started breaking down.

(Daniel's POV:)

It took me a few minutes to process what had just happened. I noticed what I had said and how I've been not noticing y/n's clues to liking me. How could I be so stupid, after what she's been acting like, she obviously liked me more than a friend. I chased after her hoping to solve our problems between us.

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