CHAPTER 2: how did I get here?

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She wakes up in a daze, lifting herself for her mattress, and looks around to see boxes stacked on boxes, she whines in frustration and pulls the cover over her as she turns over on her bed, a few minutes later she hears shuffling behind her near the boxes, oh great she has rats...she quickly shoots up for her mattress and turned her head towards the sound, nothing, a few seconds later one of her boxes get knocked over revealing a...small flying HUMAN!? She shrieks and falls off her mattress with a loud thud she lifts herself off the floor and stares at the fly creature, it stares back at her, slowly picks up a golden necklace, she shakes her head, and narrows her eyes...

" that down..." she whispered and slowly stood up from the floor, the thing continued staring at her, clearly not wanting to listen, it glided backward and zoomed off down the hall, she gasped loudly and rushed to chase after the thing. The thing was fast she could hardly keep up, it turned a few corners making her crash into the wall, and she saw it fly into the now open brown door.

"HEY?!" she huffed as she watched the door slam shut with a loud SLAM, she flinched and stopped in her tracks, she stared at the door in awe and took a cation step back and gulped, a few seconds later after calming down she sighed and rested her hand on her chest, she glanced around the sunlit hallway and gritted her teeth

What the heck was that thing?! Did it just steal my necklace, do I call the police, what if they think I'm crazy ok pause. she takes a deep breath and looks at the door i have to get my necklace back but what if I die, she begins to panic and quickly speed walks away for the door...she walks back to the living room and sits on her mattress, she sighs deeply and covers her face with her hands

"I can't, I must be dreaming..what was that thing..." she whined again and looked at the broken boxes, that's a mess she'll clean later. She stood up and walked into the hallway with the brown door, she stood in front of the door and couldn't help but wince in fear and frustration, she twisted theb knob and opened it really...dark room, it's like a void, she poked her head through the door and looked around but there was nothing to look at...she took a step forward and immediately fell into the black void. She screams in fear and shock as she continues falling


Her body jumps up for a...BED!? Her eyes widened as she quickly looked around the room.

"w-what...oh gosh" she began breathing heavily and placed her hand on her forehead, she looked around the room in awe, it was different, she was in a bigger bed and was very royalty, everything was gold and blue, it would be a person dream to have this room...but not her. She looked down at her hands, which were still in tack, and looked fine, am I dead? She Thought, she continued freaking herself out

before a knock at the door caught her attention

"Ms.Sylvie, it's time to get up. you have a busy day ahead of you" a female voice was heard on the other side of the door, few second later three maids walked into her room and stood in front of her bed frame, she shrieked in fear and backed into the bed frame, she stared at them with widened eye while the maids stared back at her with a shocked a concerned look

"Princess, are you okay?"

"Do you feel sick"

"Do you want me to get a doctor..."

All the maids began to panic and move to the side of her bed, Princess? Why are they calling me princess, who even are they, and why are they dressed like maids, I don't have maids, she groaned softly as she laid back down on the massive bed and turned away from the maids

"What is going on?"

She whispered and closed her eyes, she could feel the innocent maid's eyes, they looked concerned for her

"Princess, are you okay?"

One of the maids asked with a gentle tone, she had long violet hair and pearl eyes, she glanced at the other two maids and shrugged her shoulders

She sighs softly and turns to face the maids

" I?"

The maids seemed shocked to hear this from their princess but quickly responded

"Well, you are in your castle and the kingdom of The Lunar Empire...are you okay?"

She thinks for a moment before slowly nodding her head, sitting up for her bed she frowns and looks down

"Yes...yes, I'm fine, and who are you?"

The maids stared at her before glancing at each other

TITLE: The Princess of Hidden Realms: A New Home, A Magical JourneyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ