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She told them "WHAT!!!" Their 14 kids said Catgirl looked like death

No, I said and ran up to my room. Now what I am about to tell you may or may not shock you, okay, Riverdale is a quiet town or so I thought when I was 14 we lived in Riverdale. I became a Southside Serpent when I was 15 I was supposed to be a member at 17. Still, I got mine a little early why well it started with a girl who was named Penny she was in love with the former leader the former Serpent King FP yes Jughaed's dad so Penny thought I had a thing for FP I mean yuck he is my mom's best friend well I broke all of Penny's bones in her left arm and hand makes 117 of her bones broke and that is how I became a Southside Serpent why Penny had this crush thing because her mom and dad told her that FP would be the next King of the Southside Serpents and all Kings needed a Queen yes, they put the hold, Queen of the Southside Serpents, into her head without knowing that FP was not only married but had two kids Jughead and Jellybean. But then something happened to another girl named Molly her mother Abby needed help to keep Molly away from some guy that Molly's father and stepmother liked but the Serpents could not think of anything well I did but one of the older Serpents who thought their nephew would take over as King of the Serpent one day anyway Abby asked me for help and I gave it to her my helping did not go so well long story short on the night of mind and my sibling 16 birthday mom had retired from the Southside Serpents and I left leaving my jacket the next day on the table at the Whyte Wyrm bar. I can not believe that we are moving back to Riverdale yeah I miss Riverdale like my two cousins Greaser & Gears and yes, I sometimes miss my uncle Tall Boy but we left Riverdale for good I think that chapter of my life was closed for good and now mom wants to go back to that chapter again what gives. And I had only three friends growing up their names were Antoinette Topaz but she went by Toni, Forsythe Pendleton "Jughead" Jones III, Fangs Fogarty, and Sweet Pea so I got out my phone and texted Toni telling her I and my family was moving back to Riverdale.

"Beep, beep, beep" went my phone I looked down to see my and the three boys best friend Catgirl had texted me "who texted you, T?" Asked Jughead who was now the Serpent King what oh a friend who used to live here in Riverdale but um moved away when she was 16

She told him "oh, so why is she texting you now?" Jughead asked her. "Ahhhh"

I scream "what?" they all say to me what oh I have to go I told Fang Sweet Pea and Jughead and got up and left the room to go and find FP, Tallboy, Greaser,&, Gears I found them at the front of the Bar hey I said to them

Toni, are you okay?

He asked her "yes, I am but Catgirl texted me," she told them "cool what did she say?" Fp asked her

She and her family are moving back to Riverdale

She told them

What no way I said to her Serpent Moon and Dead Rose are coming home that is great I said to her Tallboy a word?

"Tallboy a word?" He asked sure I said to him and we walked off somewhere whats up?

He asked Fp.


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