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He asked Fp.

Okay look we can get Serpent Moon and Dead Rose to come back

He told me well my sister, yes, but Catgirl IDK Fp I mean she thinks that we are all mad at her and she also thinks that she broke one of the Serpent's laws

He told Fp "but we all know that she did not break one at all and we did not even ask her if she had an idea which she did and Jonny  ( Sweet Pea's uncle) just told her no and not to help and by telling Cat that we got it when we don't got it," Fp told him. "You are right about that but how are we going to get them to come back my sister will come back if you I  or even the twins ask her to come back it is not a big deal yes, from her but Catgirl Fp when she got that Serpent jacket and put it on she lights up like the 4 of July and then when she found out her nickname she passed out from it." Tallboy told him.

Okay, then we get your sister to come back and we will get Cat to come back when it is time and when we need her to come home.

He told him "okay, maybe we can get the twins Toni Fang Sweet Pea or your son he is the Serpent King now," Tallboy said to him "yes, but Jughead has not seen her since they were what 13 when they just came for the summer and then they moved here for good when they were 14," Fp told him

And now that they are 17 and that they are moving back will the two of them remember each other?

He asked Tallboy  "only time will tell," he said back

Yes, only time would and could tell if I and the love of my life would remember each other and we do but the thing is Catgirl, Toni, myself, Fang, and Sweet Pea we five were all friends at one point and we still are but we all miss her and now we do not know what to do anymore and it was not Cat's fault it was kind of Sweet pea's uncle Jonny fault he is the one who told her that the Southside Serpents did not need her help at all and now I have her  Southside Serpent jacket in a white box safely in a cabinet in my office here at the Whyte Wyrm bar because now that I am the Southside Serpent King I get an office and all of the gangs in or around Riverdale want their daughter to be my Serpent Queen and if Dead Rose was here she says none of these girls are good to be your Queen and if they were well they are trying too hard. 

As Jughead was writing his novel Fang and Sweet Pea came over to him and both sat down in front of him. "You tell him," Fang said to Sweet Pea "no you," he said back "well you are good at telling him this" Fang said "well you're the one who found out first," he said back to him "will  one of you just tell me what is going on here?" Jughead asked the two Serpent boys. 

Okay, so that text that Toni got? "Yes, what about it she said it was from a friend" right I said to him "and Fang knows who sent it to her" Sweet told him "okay, then who?" Jughead asked me, Dead Rose,

He said to him "what?"

I said to them how do you know it was Catgirl who texted Toni? "Because I saw the text before she went to go and tell your dad and Tallboy" Fang told me okay, did it say when she was coming? "No, I saw we are moving back to Riverdale," he told me okay, Sweet Pea find out when she is coming back "got it," he said to me good Fang  " find a way to get her to come back and make sure that her jacket is clean for when or if she comes back" yes, I said oh and tell everyone that if she calls I want to know about it. 

Got it

He said to him and left to well think and Jughead went back to writing his novel and he had a new chapter for said novel yes the novel was about Jason Blossom's Murdered.

The chapter in question that I was now writing was called the light has returned to bright up the darkness. Which Catgirl was she was the light in everyone's darkness but their is just one thing that I have been feeling guilty about and that is I have not or did not do and that was to protect her I did not protect DeadRose from Casey who was from the Ghoulies gang. And I did not go with her well that is because she did not tell anyone that she was going to do this well she was going to but then Sweet Pea's uncle Jonny told her to just stay out of it and that the Serpent had it well we did not have it we never did. And now that Catgilr is coming home back to Riverdale back to me and back to the Southside Serpents hopefully she will come back to the Serpents I mean she did not do anything wrong at all. Abby knew that Cat had an idea and that Casey would be dead in a matter of hours or days even but he got the drop on DeadRose and almost killed her.

Jughead was so into writing this chapter that he was smiling

Sweet Pea
Jughead I said "what?" I am going to call her and then you are going to call her and when she gets here you are going to tell her "and I will but first we need to have a talk with your uncle Jonny about letting her have a say in things" and I will take care of my uncle wait are you

Yes, I am going to not only ask Catgirl to be my girlfriend but I am also going to ask her to be my Serpent Queen because she is the only one who makes me smile and she can tell anyone to shut up without looking at them and " and she broke all of Penny's bones in her left arm and hand?" Sweet Pea said yes, I told him now call her up and put it on speakerphone "so you can hear her voice?" Yes, so I can hear her voice.

he told him.

Sweet Pea
Okay calling her now.


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